No Turkish Delight, This Gul Guy!

“Europe will have to put up with the arrival of more immigrants and accept diversity.”

 Gul –  ‘ Tomorrow Belongs to Me?’

This is the message of Turkish President Abdullah Gul. Speaking to the Yaroslavl Global Policy Forum, Gul also expressed concern at the rise of anti-immigrant and anti-Islamic sentiment in Europe, and suggested that more needed to be done to combat it.

That quote, from a Russian link (yes, we even have readers there!) is an example of the sort of arrogance that should damn any prospect of Turkey’s admission to the EU. There are millions of ethnic Turks in Germany and other European countries who came as guest-workers and seem to think they are now entitled to stay on forever and dictate to their hosts how Germany and other societies should be reconstructed to suit them.

The RESPONSIBLE thing for a Turkish leader to say and do would be either to keep his nose out of other countries’ affairs, or send out a signal, loud and clear, that Turks who wish to make their home in other lands MUST adapt, respect the culture and customs of the host-nation, and not for a single second imagine they may transplant their own culture and customs to wherever they happen to alight.

If every immigrant did so, there’d be no xenophobia.

As mentioned previously, I’ve met Turkish-origin people in Germany, and some of them, I’m glad to say, are indistinguishable from Germans, a tad browner, maybe, and with un-German names, but otherwise perfectly integrated, as good immigrants should be.

Others, unfortunately are clinging to alien ways, and far from assimilating, seem determined to do so. They even dare to adopt antagonistic attitudes to German patriots who call for common-sense on this issue.

When the wise Thilo Sarrazin went to Kreuzberg, in Berlin, ready to discuss the views he has expressed, he was met with abuse and insults. ‘Raus, raus, raus,’ the rabble yelled, ‘Get out, get out, get out!

Who should get out? That Islamist rabble, who don’t belong in a civilised country.