Actress Jessica Iskandar – Beauty Among the Bigot Beasts?

We always like to pay attention to the innumerable delightful ladies Indonesia produces, and actress Jessica Iskandar certainly falls into that category. But for a gal who seems to be quite smart, she has surely chosen a strange direction to pursue what calls her ‘spiritual quest.’

   The Beauty and The Beast?  

Amid reports in various media that she is planning to convert to Islam,  it appears that last weekend she went to the HQ of the IslamoNazi FPI. “I’ve studied religion, and have not embraced Islam…until now I am still learning. I’m here just to to find a relationship,” said Jessica. She said her visit was because she wants to learn about the religion from FPI Fuhrer Habib Rizieq.

Well, it is of course anyone’s right to join any creed they like – pity so many Islamists deny that right to others – but I can’t imagine she’ll learn much at the nazis’ bunker, except how to intimidate and terrorise innocent people, or maybe how to bully tv stations into censoring their movies.

Even I could point her in the direction of Muslim religious experts with a benign outlook toward others, quite different from anything she’ll obtain from the hate-merchants of Tanah Abang.

Mind you, the White-Shirt storm-troop boss’s reaction was fun to read. “At least, if Jessica was studying Islam, that could reduce Islamophobia, and reduce misunderstandings,” said Habib Rizieq.

Considering that FPI’s gangster tactics are one of the major factors in spreading Islamophobia in Indonesia, that’s pretty rich. Maybe it’s a good idea for Jessica to go there, and see for herself what she risks getting into.

Yesterday,for example, Media Indonesia had an article on the FPI’s reasons for loathing that movie they got SCTV to drop.

FPI remind every Muslim that Islam greatly appreciates the differences in beliefs, but rejects ‘mixing religion’ (pluralism), that Islam rejects all forms of desecration against any religion, that an “apostate” is not part of freedom of religion but a desecration of religion, that apostasy is an act condemned and is a major sin forbidden by Islam and the perpetrators must repent or be executed.’

But they want to welcome a potential ‘apostate’ – viz. Jessica – into their religion? Just as well her friends and family are not as blood-thirstily bigoted as her prospective gurus at FPI HQ. yeah?