‘Sifting’ Harper, Gabbling Mulcair, Or ‘Disgusting’ Turdo?

Just over a week now, till 19th October, when Canadians elect a new House of Commons.

Obviously, RRA regards Justin Turdo as unspeakable, Mulcair as indigestible, and Harper as the best of a not very promising bunch, despite his let-downs on important issues like the need for restoration of capital punishment, the need for greater use of the ‘nothwithstanding clause’ to curb arrogant courts and an over-due crack-down on ‘sanctuary cities.’

C’mon, Canada – If US Congress Can Sanction Treason Cities…? 


  •  Justin Turdo
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  • But the latest outburst from Turdo – a creature as oblivious (to be charitable) to the iniquities of sectarian savagery as his father was sympathetic to FLQ terrorism (he let callous killers fly off to sanctuary with his red comrade Fidel Castro in Cuba )  – really takes the biscuit.
  • It’s been reported that the Harper Government has been ‘sifting’ claimants for refugee places in Canada, prioritising minorities most likely to suffer at the hands of barbarous Islamists.
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  • Stephen-Harper-Biography-02
  • Not surprisingly, this means Christians, but not only Christians – Yazidis, to add just one threatened category, are also in danger. But Turdo thinks it’s DISGUSTING.‘That’s disgusting,” Trudeau told reporters. He added that a Liberal government would “absolutely not” prioritize particular religious or ethnic minorities.  http://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/election/harper-on-refugee-interference-allegations-we-prioritize-the-most-vulnerableWell, of course he wouldn’t. He’s made it very clear that he sees no moral distinction between evil disloyal swine and decent Canadians – Hey, Turdo – Jihadists ARE Less Canadian Than Everyone Else!


    • Mulcair just gabbled meaninglessly about how the Prime Minister’s Office were hindering the “neediest on Earth” from ever making it to Canada.
    • Twit- if you don’t sift, you can’t know who’s ‘neediest!’ 
    • Migrant Muslim Ban? How to Allay ‘Islamophobia!’ 
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    • But the ghastly Grit Turdo has the nerve to accuse Harper of picking persecuted people  to try to find out which families would be suitable for a photo op for the prime minister’s re-election campaign?
    • What an absolute horse’s ass this man is, an exemplar of the pot/kettle syndrome?
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    • But why on earth is ANYBODY making an issue of a government ‘sifting’ through the files of those who may come to Canada.
    • Canada is not ‘terra nullus’ – not a blank on the map to be filled willy-nilly by whomsoever might descend on its broad acres.
    • Canada belongs to Canadians and it is their government’s duty to see to it that NO undesirables, bludgers, and/or primitive pigs who believe in beheading blasphemers and executing apostates should reach the Dominion.
    • Behead-Prophet Savages- unwanted in Canada or any civilised country
    • If any such ratbags do arrive, they need to be identified, arrested and deported – a spot of sifting required for that, too.
    • Only a pity they couldn’t have Turdo licked out along with them.
    • Turdophobia Alert – Opposes Appeal, Lacks Appeal!
    • He’s extremely UN-Canadian!