• ross1948 09:29 on September 10, 2016 Permalink Reply
    Tags: , , , , Diane James, , Liz Duffy, , , ,   

    UKIP Leadership Candidates – Kow-Towing to Gaystapo?

    I like to think that we seriously need to re-educate people and promote progression..” 

    UKIP Leadership Candidate: People Must Be ‘Re-Educated …


    • gay_inquisition_500_web_001
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    That nightmarish declaration comes from a weird woman named Liz Duffy, one of UKIP’s leadership candidates, who seems determined to erase whatever remains of British connection to the historic codes of Christendom.

    JackbootHasil gambar untuk liz duffy ukip Duffy


    Breitbart’s article sounds the alarm over kow-tow capering by several of those ambitious individuals. And a timely warning it is, which I’d been planning to issue already, after reading the views expressed in the ‘gay’ newspaper called Pink News.

    NB – just as I often use the Guardian when discussing the civilised world’s Enemy Within, it makes sense on ‘gay’ manouevring to read what the other side is up to!)


    The front-runner, Diane James, told them that she would support the inclusion of LGBT policies in the party’s manifesto for the first time, and appeared critical of the party’s ‘conscience clause’ pledge in 2015 to permit anti-LGBT discrimination.


    Hasil gambar untuk diane james ukip



    This MEP went on to tell her dubious audience that the ban on gay men donating blood made her feel “uneasy” and backed “full and lawful recognition” for transgender people. 

    What will make many UKIP supporters feel uneasy is that, like the pro-‘gay’ Duffy, she shows scant interest in supporting Northern Ireland’s resistance to so-called ‘gay marriage.’

    We have to recognise devolved government but if the UKIP membership were involved in ‘testing’ the next manifesto as I plan, then I would expect and hope to see this issue addressed.”

    The same report notes that another of the leadership line-up, Bill Etheridge, has been beating the gaystapo drum too – he has called homo-weddings a ‘good thing.’

    Huge numbers of Brits who adhere to traditional values abandoned the Tories after Cameron’s hypocritical U-turn…



    …and joined UKIP, hoping to find in that party some serious commitment to the values they were brought up to respect.

    They were no doubt encouraged to do so by people like Diane James.

    As Pink News sceptically observes, she had previously voted against LGBT rights measures in the European Parliament. 

    She had spoken up for what the pinks describe as ‘homophobes within the party,’ as when she asserted that there were an  “awful lot of people out there” that share the views of MEP Roger Helmer.


    Normal Roger

    PinkNews fretfully recalls how Helmer notoriously insisted homosexuality is “not a lifestyle worthy of equal respect” and “abhorrent to God.”

    While God does not ( at least directly) participate in UK elections, all those notoriously normal folk do.


    • indoctrination
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    If UKIP’s next leader affronts them, with Duffyesque ‘re-education’ threats and Jamesian U-turning, they could easily be moved to switch to the new party allegedly being planned by one of the Leave campaigners, Aaron Banks.



    • Penny 16:00 on September 10, 2016 Permalink | Reply

      If that’s the kind of voter they’re after, they will lose a lot of us who voted for them faithfully for the past five years, or even longer.
      We don’t want more PC pink Tories in parliament, we want red white and blue men and women who will make Britain what it used to be, a decent country we could all be proud of.
      They should get Nigel to come back as leader. I know he’s done so much and deserves a break, but that lot? Who wants to vote for them?


    • Nathan T 19:30 on September 10, 2016 Permalink | Reply

      Good you used that Cameron illustration. That reminds everyone whay the subtext is, get their ‘marriage’ thing through, then get after the children.
      When the Italians legalised ‘gay marriage’ a few months ago, the very next day the beneficiaries were out on the streets demanding access to kids, ‘gay adoption.’ It was horrible to listen to them baying for it.

      I am not a UKIP member but I have voted for them at local and national elections.
      I will have to have a think about whether to vote for them again if they elect any of those named in your article as their leader.


    • Joe Webster 19:57 on September 11, 2016 Permalink | Reply

      I have known Lisa Duffy personally for many years. Please be advised that she is not weird.



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