British Thought Likely Doomed? Soviet Echoes in UK!

A somewhat sad article in the UK’s Telegraph, recounting how the ‘th‘ sound is likely to vanish from the English language in a generation or so.

The “th” sound – also called the voiced dental nonsibliant fricative – is likely to change to be replaced an “f”, “d”, or “v” meaning “mother” will be pronounced “muvver” and “thick” will be voiced as “fick.”


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If I remember correctly, the abolition of  ‘th’ letter was one ‘reform’ quickly imposed on Russia when the Bolsheviks seized power in their 1917 coup.  Anything – like a softly aspirated consonant directly descended from the Greek ‘theta’  – that preserved refinement in the Cyrillic alphabet was clearly anathema to the Communist nation-killers.

The impending change in the British Isles is not however driven by latter-day Red terror.



It is is said to be yet another blight inflicted by multicult migration, importing aliens who find it beyond their abilities to assimilate to the linguistic standards of their host nation, just as many of them cannot adapt to civilised norms.

Wot will da BBC make of dis?



To be fair, I can remember how even in the 1960s there were BBC news readers inexplicably mispronouncing ‘India’ as ‘Indiar!

And failing repeatedly to aspirate that W in ‘what.’

Now I’ll sit back and let the experts assail my analysis.