• ross1948 08:00 on June 10, 2017 Permalink Reply
    Tags: , , , Maya Oppenheim, ,   

    Hurray For Keith Fraser – UKIP’s Man Told The TRUTH About Corbyn!

    Jeremy Corbyn’s Ukip opponent mouthed “terrorist sympathiser” behind the Labour leader’s back while he gave his victory speech.   Election latest: During Jeremy Corbyn’s victory speech 

    An honest and accurate assessment, surely.


    Hasil gambar untuk keith fraser ukip


    Good for you, Keith Fraser, and top marks for good manners too, because, while truths deserve to be told, again and again…


    Hasil gambar untuk corbyn loughgall


    …it would have been discourteous to jump out in front of Cur Corbyn during the traditional speeches at close of count.

    Yet The Independent’s Comrade Maya Oppenheim describes the comment as a ‘slur?’


    Hasil gambar untuk jeremy corbyn gerry adams


    How so?

    A slur is an unfair, uncalled-for variety of insult.

    Mr. Fraser’s comment was VERY fair comment! 

    Is Maya Oppenheim trying to whitewash the Companion of the Blood-Beast?

    Not that we could ever dare suggest that Little Maya is ideologically motivated…

    …for she says of herself that prior to her current work, she wrote for VICE, New Statesman,  The Guardian, Dazed & Confused, I-D magazine, BuzzFeed, The Occupied Times, New Left Project, Hackney Citizen, East End Review and other publications…  https://maya-oppenheim.com/about-2/

    When I wrote this I said that I hadn’t heard of Keith Fraser before last night- that was a lapse on my part, for in fact he has appeared twice before, though not recently and hence I’d forgotten; I DO comment a lot, on lots of people!

    Imagine Having to Rely on The Independent for Honest Reporting! More Anti-UKIP Cr#p! 

    UK’s Teen Rats – Deradicalisation? No, Deportation…Or Death! 

    •  But I still fail to see anything inaccurate about the words he ‘mouthed.

      So I hope he’s having a well-earned rest today, perhaps with a pub lunch…now there’s a good idea!

      It’s Saturday morning here!

    • Tommy Riddell 13:09 on June 10, 2017 Permalink | Reply

      What a good blog to wake up to.
      My thanks to you and thanks to Mr. Fraser too.

      I am still trying to figure it out. Not May’s getting taught a lesson for her u-turns but how people could vote for Corbyn after his IRA stunts which he has NEVER apologised for, not that anyone would believe him.

      Those sad little ‘Millennials’ think they are going short of state hand-outs but in my opinion they are short of consciences.


    • Ian Farlane 14:27 on June 10, 2017 Permalink | Reply

      I was going to say we need more honest candidates like him.
      Then I thought about it and it’s better to say that we need more thinking voters instead of selfish sorts that can’t see beyond their next state benefit.
      There were hundreds of good patriotic candidates but millions voted for whoever they thought would give them more from the bottomless money pit called taxes .
      Personal greed before what’s important for our country, it makes me despair.


    • Loudon Walker 15:07 on June 10, 2017 Permalink | Reply

      If you come from Ulster like I do you cannot imagine why people voted for that sh-t Corbyn.
      Sorry but I cannot mention him without an expletive.
      British voters that voted to put him in power should be ashamed of themselves. They should be made to look at photographs of what was left of the IRA’s victims, men, women and children, because those poor people are now on the conscience of every Labour voter.
      So angry yesterday and today still seething, so many stupid people all over the country.


    • Pamela 15:26 on June 10, 2017 Permalink | Reply

      Nigel says he’s coming back to defend us from Brussels, if need be, but while we wait, and after Mr. Nuttall quit, why won’t UKIP appoint Keith Fraser as their interim leader.
      I have looked at your other reports on his words and he makes perfect sense.


    • Mort 18:38 on June 10, 2017 Permalink | Reply

      Comrade Maya, very apt.
      With that pedigree and that hostility to patriots, she will soon be flying over the pond to join CNN!



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