If You’re Out On The Town In Jakarta Tonight, Beware!

Just saw the news on Trans TV, the white-shirt FPI thug-gang went ahead and staged a ‘takbir’ tonight, starting about now, despite an appeal from Jakarta City Police not to hold takbir around Jakarta.

The FPI  – the Defenders of Islam Front – are notorious cowardly bullies. Just put the letters into our search box over there to the right. 


FPI – sectarian hate-gang on the march in Jakarta


Takbir is a kind of parade/motorcade marking the end of the fasting month. They obviously cause traffic congestion and general inconvenience and have in previous years degenerated into brawling.

Peace? Ramadan Convoys “Often Taunt and Fight Each Other!” 


 “We will still carry out our takbir tour in various areas including Jakarta, because the takbir tour is local wisdom and part of syiar Islam…”

So said Slamet Maarif, Jakarta FPI Gauleiter, resplendent in his local wisdom.

In other words, shariah trumps all.

Indonesia ‘Scholars’ Council


Much the same arrogance we heard from the MUI, the state-sponsored Islamic self-styled ‘scholars,’ a few years ago.

An official with the Indonesian Council of Ulema (MUI) has criticized the Jakarta Police’s call to curb the amount of Idul Fitri prayer convoys in the capital, alleging it as an attempt to “defy” and “belittle” Islam.


  • tengku zulkarnain-mui- Tengku
  • ———-
  • MUI deputy secretary-general Tengku Zulkarnain…criticized the police’s suggestion to limit takbir-chanting — often called takbiran in Indonesian — within the confinement of mosques.
  • ==

Which of course was hogwash when he said it, as it is today.

The great majority of police here are Muslim, as one would expect in a 90% Muslim country, and some at senior levels have even shown themselves well-disposed to the fanatic FPI!


Indonesia’s Top Cop Calls IslamoNazi Gang ‘Very Tolerant!’ 

Of course the police are not out to ‘belittle Islam.’

They presumably want to keep the streets safe and orderly.

But Tengku has in the not-so-distant past shown signs of a persecution complex. ‘…the Koran has already instructed Muslims about the deceitfulness of the enemies of Islam.’ 

Top ‘Scholar’ – “Amazing Muslim Advance in West Scares Islam’s Enemies!” 

Last word to Slamet.



“If there are limited personnel for security purposes, they can work with Islamic organizations in Jakarta, instead of reversing silly policies that are not popular,” said Slamet.   http://www.cnnindonesia.com/nasional/20170624154819-20-223954/fpi-gelar-takbir-keliling-meski-dilarang-polisi/

In other words, hand over policing of Islamist parades to people like Slamet’s own Islamist louts.

Won’t that be a wonderful day?

Pray to whichever God you worship that it may never dawn in Indonesia.