“Europe?” What’s Ghastly Guy On About Now?

The European parliament’s Brexit negotiator has launched a scathing attack on Boris Johnson, saying his recent criticism of young voters who feel allegiance to Europe was “old-fashioned” and “nonsense…”



That Europhiliac fanatic Guy Verhofstadt was making an indisputable statement when he told a special meeting of three committees in the Irish parliament that it was perfectly possible to feel European while at the same time feeling allegiance to your country of birth. 

A quick aside, though, before we get into the nub of the matter. One assumes the report refers to EIRE’S parliament…

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Map of the Island of Ireland – please note that the ‘Irish Parliament’ referred to in the report does not represent or govern that lovely red, white and blue British bit at the top of the picture


…since ‘Ireland’ is not a country but a geographical expression.

It pains me yet again to offer a review of the obvious objections to the Belgian fanatic’s latest burbling, but here’s what I’ve been saying for years and years about this, in pictorial form…




…that of course no thinking Brit dislikes, much less hates, Europe, but that the ‘European Union’ is a detestable supranational construct devised by bad people with bad objectives.


Like Adolf Hitler, Jean Monnet held the common people in contempt…

“Europe’s nations should be guided towards the super-state without their people understanding what is happening. This can be accomplished by successive steps each disguised as having an economic purpose, but which will eventually and irreversibly lead to federation.”
Jean Monnet, Founder of the European Movement.



British people understand that their cultural identity is linked in innumerable ways with the common heritage of Greece and Rome and Christendom. There’s pride to be taken from that.



I delighted in my teenage travels, hitching all over those countries currently under Brussels rule. Here in Jakarta I enjoy the company of other foreigners, from various European nations – as well, of course, of many Indonesians.

ALLEGIANCE is something different entirely.

British allegiance belongs to Queen and Country, to the magnificent Union Jack flag.

That’s why many of us find it slightly nauseating to hear millennials – and some dreary old toe-rags too…




…whining and shrilling in favour of foreign rule.

It’s a sign of fundamental immaturity on the part of those who say they want supranational supervision, who assert that a realm as distinguished and rich in achievement  would somehow be better off remaining under Euro-Commissars…



….whose values are neither British nor truly European, but in fact alien to the traditions of most every decent person across the Continent.



The Third Reich’s Festung Europa wanted Brits to pay allegiance to Berlin, much as the Fourth Reich wants today’s generation to bow to Brussels…


Hasil gambar untuk brexit millennials


….and it’s sad that some of that generation are so eager to do so.

We understand that Ghastly Guy regards Brits who think British suffer from “…a binary, old-fashioned and reductionist understanding of identity.”

– even if we don’t understand a lot of his fancy-pants vocabulary  – Binary? Reductionist?

That word old-fashioned, though, is clear enough.



Yet it sounds funny, coming from somebody the object of whose adulation carries so many echoes from the past.