• ross1948 16:00 on March 3, 2018 Permalink Reply
    Tags: , Aurore Berge French MP, , , Evie Burrows Taylor, , , pinko kill-joy, , ,   

    Hey-Hey, Ho-Ho! Sexy Gals Have Got To Go!

    Firstly, my apologies for the headline – I find that imbecilic millennial chant – ‘hey-hey, ho-ho‘ – irksome in the extreme…

    … so am using it to mock the misery-guts hackette whose rant I’m contemplating today.


    It’s a lovely sunny morning here in Jakarta, and I’m hoping the arvo too will afford me another chance to bask like a beached whale in my front yard, as I did yesterday, neglecting my blog.



    I often go indoors and out, to get coffee, which requires me to move around in that small space clad only in my shorts, visible to anyone going past, if they care to look.

    The house next door is empty, but were it suddenly to be occupied by a winsome Indonesian wench, of whom there are LOTS, like these…



    … I’d not be loud in my protests, were she to engage in sunbathing in similar attire!

    Meanwhile, in France, where sexy women were once held in high esteem, shrews galore have been assailing a lady for looking yummy on TV.


    OPINION: It's not sexist to say this French MP shouldn't wear revealing clothes on TV

    Aurore as seen on TV.  The old guy doesn’t seem upset by the proximity of a pretty filly!


    So today I find myself in the unexpected role of defender of a Macronette, the gal in question being an MP for the French President’s party, Aurore Berge, who dared display a spot of cleavage and a dash of thigh on a talk-show!

    The (verbal) assailant whose whining has alerted me to Mamselle Berge’s agreeable ‘aurat‘ ( an Indonesian word – you should insert it in my ‘Search’ space to the right) is given far too many column inches in – of course – The Leftal, sorry, The Local, and her name’s Evie Burrows-Taylor…


    Evie Burrows-Taylor

    Lefty Hackette Echoes Islamists- Don’t Dare Enjoy Beauty! 

    …a kill-joy pinko whom we’ve come across before!

    She’s up in arms about the MP’s appearance, allegedly because Berge was not dressed ‘appropriately’ for a discussion on political issues.

    The Leftal’s dreary headline tells us enough about her mentality.

    ‘It’s Not Sexist To Say MPs Shouldn’t Wear Revealing Clothes On TV!’

    Unravel the double-negative and read her entire litany of grievance for yourselves.  https://www.thelocal.fr/20180227/opinion-its-not-sexist-to-say-mps-shouldnt-wear-revealing-clothes-on-tv

    But methinks  little Evie is more vexed about girls looking attractive ANYWHERE, since that previous mention here arose from her dismay that Miss World contestants attracted a huge audience!


    Lefty Hackette Echoes Islamists- Don’t Dare Enjoy Beauty! 


    • Vanessa 17:50 on March 3, 2018 Permalink | Reply

      Evie is a narrow-minded hypocrite, isn’t she, pretending to be upset about the pretty MP showing a bit of leg on tv.
      Unsuitably dressed for the occasion because it wasn’t ‘appropriate?’ Come off it, luvvie!,
      We already know from her disapproval of beauty contests that it’s sexy looks anytime anyplace that really gets her pen moving fast and furious.


    • Ned Ansell 18:11 on March 3, 2018 Permalink | Reply

      Just need to take a look at the pix, mate.
      Jealousy, innit!


    • Lorne Marzio 19:03 on March 3, 2018 Permalink | Reply

      Interesting stuff but I like best how you put down that ‘hey-hey’ noise they make.
      They sound like kindergarteners on crystal meth..


    • Cass 20:13 on March 3, 2018 Permalink | Reply

      Correction due? Was it Miss World? Or Miss France?
      All those girls are wearing sashes denoting French provinces.
      Not complaining, mind, they all are gorgeous.


    • Jacko 22:56 on March 3, 2018 Permalink | Reply

      Must agree with you, Ned.
      I cant picture her filling out a swimsuit to match those contestants in the final photo.
      She would look fantastic in a burka though..



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