Women’s Rights? Will Tunisia Face Down Fanatics?

Just saw EuroNews reporting from Tunisia, where thousands of backward savages are raging against a plan to give daughters the same rights as sons, with a new inheritance law  that would end the sexist shariah rule which brands women as second-class.

Tunisian leader backs equal inheritance rights for women



Good that some in the Arab world are trying to introduce fair play, but ask yourselves – how many of the crimmigrants who have oozed into Europe in the past few years share the primitive demonstrators’ passion for iniquitous treatment of women?

More importantly, ask why no proper vetting system has even been proposed by anyone in Brussels to ensure no such nonsense is imported?

Why are arrivals not interrogated, to ensure those holding to such an ideology are excluded?



We know all too well that some of those who have reached European shores not only cling to such sexist ‘values’ but are determined to foist their alien beliefs on civilised countries.
