• ross1948 00:18 on October 13, 2018 Permalink Reply
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    Ask A Silly Question II – More On Fatuous France 24

    After our recent exposure of France24 to ridicule…Ask A Silly Question,France24!  … not something that’s difficult to do, I admit – now we have another episode, and who knows how many more to come, as the French propaganda channel won’t run out of tax-payers’ money while Le Muppet occupies the Elysee Palace!

    But first?

    A good question, easy to answer, for any European media, but they likely won’t ask it ….

    Why Germans no longer feel at home in Germany


    But instead we read this crack-brained question!

    Why Germany’s Turkish community no longer feels at home

    Gosh, I wish my university finals had been so easy to answer!

    Firstly, Turks, logically, will ipso facto feel ‘at home’ only in Turkey!

    If  a Turk moved to Germany in the 1960s as a gastarbeiter, NB ‘guest-worker,’ then like all good guests, he should not have out-stayed his welcome.

    Yet thousands did stay. All well and good – IF they had exchanged their Turkish passports and allegiance for the German equivalents.

    Some did, and good on ‘em.

    Alas, thousands, hundreds of thousands, did not, thus bestowing a poisonous legacy on the country today.

    Again, we’ve posted previously on the Enemy Within Germany – 

    Erdogan scored a much better result among Turks living in Germany than he did domestically. After over 70 percent of the votes in Germany had been counted, the strongman had 65.8 percent of the vote share, clearly ahead of his nearest rival Muharrem İnce, with 21.5 percent of the vote in Germany.



    Image result for turkish women flags berlin erdogan mosque


    Only this month, we saw alien women, clad in alien costume, cheering for the Turkish tyrant Erdogan, with Turkish flags wrapped gaily round their shoulders…

    Where? No, not in Ankara or Istanbul, but in Cologne, where the visiting dictator opened a huge new mosque!

    “The mosques are our barracks, the domes our helmets, the minarets our bayonets and the faithful our soldiers.” 

    Berliners of any creed have a right to worship as they wish, but it was an affront to Germany that they chose an alien sectarian to preside over the opening.

    After fifty or more years, the gastarbeiters and their children and grandchildren should have become totally assimilated, ties to Asia Minor long since replaced by a proper German identity.

    Yet they cling disloyally to Turkey, and band together in obstreperous outfits that seek to silence Germans who criticise such recalcitrance. That sort targetted Thilo Sarrazin in the past, unpleasant ingrate Turks, who sought to have him muzzled, after he spoke out.

    Thilo Sarrazin

    So no bloody wonder that REAL Germans have long since begun to look askance at these fake Germans, who, as France24’s headline makes clear, STILL regard themselves as TURKISH…


    …and while they persist in that self-alienation from the land they live in, do not DESERVE to ‘feel at home’ there.

    • Inge S 01:13 on October 13, 2018 Permalink | Reply

      A very good little portion of our modern history, sir.
      It was a very great error for Konrad Adenauer the Chancellor then to invite all those Turks into Germany but as you write, they were very clear invited to be our guest workers. That had meaning, when the jobs were finished, the guests go home.
      Adenauer and other leaders let us down by not sending them home.
      A minority of the Turks did then try to be Germans but many only wanted to live in Germany but still be Turks. They take German nationality but also Turkish and vote for our enemy Erdogan.
      They better to go home.
      Even after so many years they still cannot even look like Germans. The foreign dressed women in the photo show us this.
      Pardon my English.
      However, it is better than the German I hear from many Turks who like better to speak Turk language than German even while they have German nationality.


    • Jerry Jerman 02:22 on October 13, 2018 Permalink | Reply

      I must again thank you for what you say because it is what most of the German people say about these ‘German’ Turks.
      They can only be true to one country and it is very easy to be seen even if only by looking at them how they feel in their hearts.
      They should go home.


    • Annelie Neumann 02:51 on October 13, 2018 Permalink | Reply

      We have all here been reading this and it makes us very happy that you tell the truth in so good words.
      All you say is correct.
      Very many of the Turks here never want to feel at home here because the home they love is Turkey.
      We saw this very strongly when Erdogan came here to open the giant mosque and it is in the photo of the Turkesses you have included. They cannot be German.
      Many thanks


      • Yorkist 13:47 on October 13, 2018 Permalink | Reply

        We have the same problem where I come from, Annelie.
        Just look at what the ‘British-born’ grooming gangs have been doing to real British girls, and how they never prey on the Pakistan-origin girls in the areas of Rotherham etc where they live.



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