• ross1948 11:03 on November 4, 2018 Permalink Reply
    Tags: , , , , , , hondura horde, ,   

    CNN – So Cuomo’s OK With Stoning US Troops?!?

    I was feeling none too eager-beaverish on Friday morning, a grand night out on Thursday…



    …having bestown a fine hang-over – ‘the wages of sin,’ as my stern Presbyterian forebears would undoubtedly opine.

    I was aiming to catch the news on any tv channel but due to my bleary-eyed state I landed on the worst of them, and heard a disagreeably rasping voice.

    ‘A poor guy with a stone?’

    That CNN creep Kermit Cuomo was ranting like a maniac on morning dew, mad as a wet hen, furious…



    Donald Trump tells border troops to treat migrants’ rocks as ‘rifles https://www.washingtontimes.com/…/donald-trump-tells-border-troops-treat-migrants-…

    …not at the idea of the Honduras horde attacking American soldiers but at the idea of American soldiers defending themselves.

    This strange leftist loudmouth has previously told the world of his unwillingness to condemn the red nazi louts of Antifa…


      • Story image for chris cuomo antifa from RealClearPolitics

        CNN’s Chris Cuomo Defends Antifa: Attacks On Police, Journalists

        So his latest hysteria, Un-American as it is, or rather Anti-American, is perhaps not terribly surprising.




      • .

        I have to say I was delighted to hear President Trump’s exhortation to the Armed Services to do the right thing when confronted by alien savages hurling deadly rocks.

       Stoning kills.

    Not only when it’s done by cowardly sectarian mobs…


    …but also when it’s done by Central American hoodlum, like those we saw engaged in riotous mayhem as they violated Guatemala’s border last month.

    Of course they should be shot, and indeed should have been shot when first they ran amok.

    Cur Cuomo evidently disagrees, perhaps preparing an alternative form of defence for American troops, maybe drones circling above the savage mob, dropping leaflets saying, ‘please, please, pretty please, illegal immigrants, don’t fracture our skulls or break any of our other bones.’

    After all, CNN would be embarrassed if any  young men or women in their country’s uniform were killed or injured, which is sadly very possible, since the scum are known to have manufactured molotov cocktails in case insufficient stones are available.

    Not outraged, of course, as they would be if a Honduran thug were hurt, but definitely embarrassed…




    …until Cuomo and his queer little comrade, Don ‘Bitter’ Lemon, managed to find some contrived reason to blame the President.


    • Reid Matherson 14:24 on November 4, 2018 Permalink | Reply

      I have read that Cuomo is one of the heterosexuals with CNN.
      Otherwise we could call him Atlanta Rose, like that Tokyo Rose woman who tried to undermine American morale in the Pacific in WW2.
      By showing so much anger that our fighting men ( and women) could be given authority to fight back if they are attacked by aggressive invaders, he is encouraging the enemy.
      It is time people organize daily protests, surround CNN Head Office and demand Cuomo be fired.


    • Ben Baniek 15:43 on November 4, 2018 Permalink | Reply

      Cuomo is a sh-t.
      i wish I could flush him and the whole of CNN into the Gulf of Mexico.


    • Mort 17:16 on November 4, 2018 Permalink | Reply

      CNN have lost credibility, because unlike Anderson Cooper, Cuomo and Lemon are too stupid to hide their hate behind a mask of journalism.
      Cooper is just as consumed with hate but apart from occasional lapses, like after the Trump-Putin summit, he is smart enough to con viewers into thinking he is a professional reporter and not, like the other two, a Democrat propagandist.
      I am confident Cuomo’s latest ravings have turned off a lot of people.
      Who wouldn’t want our armed services to fight back if attacked?


    • Ken Kasic 19:06 on November 4, 2018 Permalink | Reply

      CNN has been caught out again, hiding the big news about the man charged with the synangogue massacre.
      It has been revealed that he is a Democrat activist, was an Obama volunteer and worked for the city’s ‘hate-crimes’ unit.

      I guess CNN don’t think hate crimes by Democrats, even mass-murder, should be exposed,



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