• ross1948 22:56 on November 30, 2018 Permalink Reply
    Tags: , , , Pablo Neruda,   

    What Next? Fred West International Airport?

    Unaccustomed as I am to finding myself in agreement with ‘human rights’ activists, that’s where I landed this week, after reading that Chile wants to name an international airport after its most notorious rapist.


    Image result for good grief


    Have you read any of Pablo Neruda’s “works?”

    I certainly haven’t.

    Have you even heard of him? I have, but only because I read a lot about leftism, on the basis that you have to know your enemy.

    That’s why I slogged through several turgid books by that Indonesian red Pramoedya – a bad man adored by pinko pseuds despite his involvement in nasty persecution of anti-communist patriots here.

    Tempo, issue May 16-22, 2006 – an extract which explains why some 25 “prominent literary figures and cultural observers” put their distinguished names to a formal submission to the Magsaysay Award Committee in 1995, protesting at that body’s decision to give Pramoedya an award.



    Their reasons were simply stated, viz his unethical role during one of the darkest periods for creativity during the Guided Democracy era, when he led the persecution of artists and literary figures who disagreed with him. (this protest is air-brushed out of most Western references nowadays, though a brief mention is to be found in an otherwise slavishly pro-Pram article in the Economist  http://www.economist.com/node/168819 )

    However, I’d be willing to bet a tenner that 90% of Brits, Aussies and Americans haven’t heard of Neruda…nor of Pramoedya.

    But the prissy ‘intellectual’ caste in all our countries will be aware of them.

    Image result for smash globalism

    They are, after all, for the most part, more in touch and in tune with each other than they are with their own fellow-citizens.

    And certainly most Chileans will now have heard of Neruda, because there’s uproar there after some politicians decided what a wizard idea ‘twould be to give their airport  the name of the long-dead far-left louse.

    Sex-predators are generally frowned on, unless you are a pro-crimmigrant lawyer and the predator is a crimmigrant…


    • Predators and Child Molestors

    German Leftist Lawyer – “Rapist Refugees Don’t DeserveDeportation!” 

    …and it would be highly unlikely that even soft-on-crime Labour MPs in the UK, for example, would suggest that any new British airport be named after Fred West.

    But Chile’s something else, with a serious plan to honour a creep like Neruda, who not only raped his Asian maid but also felt quite at ease describing his violation of the girl.

    After the woman ignored his advances, Neruda says he took “a strong grip on her wrist” and led her to his bedroom.

    “The encounter was like that of a man and a statue. She kept her eyes wide open all the while, completely unresponsive,” he recalled.

    “She was right to despise me.”    https://www.theguardian.com/books/2018/nov/23/chile-neruda-airport-rename-outrage-admitted-rape-memoirs


    Leftist rapist Neruda


    And no doubt she did despise him, but her contempt for the sleazy slug (who served the regime of the marxist Allende in the 1970s) seems sadly not to be much shared by today’s effete politicos in the Chilean parliament.

    It’s really quite astounding.

    Imagine if there were a proposal to name a UK airport after some notorious British predator like Fred West.

    Not an exact parallel, of course. West didn’t just rape defenceless girls. he killed them.

    But suppose the Neruda’s victim had been big enough and brave enough to fight back? Would the red scribbler’s use of force have escalated?

    Yet the big difference is that West was more or less illiterate, while Neruda was of course, a ‘poet!’

    An ‘intellectual’ – and a leftwing ‘intellectual’ to boot!

    And as we have seen more than once…


    Women Harass Men? Mais Non, Say ‘Intellectual’ Snobs!   for an update on this case, see our post due tomorrow.


    … such red or pink sleazos are not held to the same standard when judged by their cultural marxist camp-followers.


    • Nicole Leslie 23:43 on November 30, 2018 Permalink | Reply

      I have heard of Pramoedya, but only thanks to you.
      Neruda? Never.
      What you have written is interesting, using these dead villains to illustrate the detachment of the elites in every country, Western countries at least, from the everyday people who matter so much more than elites.
      I like the way you have done this.
      Thank you.


    • Seb Garvel 00:51 on December 1, 2018 Permalink | Reply

      There are a few ‘intellectuals’ who are not cosmopolitanised but a very few really.
      Most have no loyalty to their own countries, same with celebrities.
      What I dislike is that they are a very incestuous crowd.
      Look at how films are judged as good or not, unrelated to the number of tickets sold in cinemas but just on votes of their own kind who run things like the Cannes Festival.
      Look at the junk the intellectuals buy from other intellectuals to put in art galleries, using our money, not their own.
      Its just a racket.



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