• ross1948 22:34 on February 14, 2019 Permalink Reply
    Tags: , Danish People party, , Inger stolberg, , ,   

    Denmark’s ‘Crimmigrant Jewels’ Law – Working Well?

    The Leftal, sorry, The Local, seems almost to be gloating when it claims that no jewellery has been confiscated from so-called ‘refugees’ since the law was overwhelmingly passed three years ago, to a chorus of pro-crimmigrant disapproval.

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    ‘The Leftal’ – Pro-Crimmigrant Bias Against Danes! 

    It got such great support because, obviously, there is no reason why aliens should get to soak up Danish welfare benefits if they’re loaded.

    Far from saying that it was a waste of legislation because there’s been no big haul of alien gems, it seems to me that any treasure toted by ‘refugees’ has likely been left with kin or comrades in Germany…



    …where Merkel doesn’t give a fig for what the uninvited undesirables do.

    Or, as Minister for Immigration and Integration Inger Støjberg says, they have chosen to stay in Germany, with their gold, because Denmark’s overall alien intake has fallen. 


    Inger Stolberg


    Inger is usually a very smart lady, which is why I’m surprised she doesn’t want to take up the eminently sensible suggestion from the Danish People’s Party, whose immigration spokesman, Martin Henriksen, put forward recently.

    The DPP want ‘the law to go further by checking whether asylum seekers have money in foreign bank accounts.’


    Even the Social Democrat spokesman is all for that, and said something commendable.

    “I think it’s completely logical, regarding valuables worth over 10,000 kroner, that this should apply whether they are in your back pocket or in a German bank account,” .

    But Inger disagrees. She thinks it isn’t ‘realistic.’

    How so?

    Don’t all European police forces cooperate in examination of suspicious bank accounts, regardless of borders, if there’s reason to believe the account-holders are up to no good?

    People known to have violated Europe’s territorial integrity, oozing across the Aegean or the Med…

    =cowardly crimmigrants


    ….as nearly all the rabble colonising Denmark and other northern nations have done, are ipso facto lawless and should be ear-marked for investigation.


    • Jacko 09:13 on February 16, 2019 Permalink | Reply

      The Danes should use the proceeds to charter planes to take them back to where they came from.


    • Keith Milner 12:53 on February 16, 2019 Permalink | Reply

      A sensible law and isnt it interesting how it got such wide support in their parliament.
      I wish we had more opposition Members in Canberra who put their own countrymen and women first instead of always carrying on about the poor illegals.



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