Canadian Kimberley, Begum The Un-British Bitch – & Other ISIS Evils..

On Saturday 9th February, France24 had a documentary on the ISIS women held in a camp in Kurdistan and it was sickening to see and hear their conscienceless shrilling.


These are heartless shrews who knowingly travelled to the epicentre of Islamist evil known as the  ‘caliphate,’ yet now they are bleating that they are wrongfully detained.



One of them was Canadian, a whiney middle-aged bint named Kimberley. Although nobody in Canada could possibly be unaware of the demonic nature of ISIS, she made the journey there and joined the satanic gang of her own accord.

She is currently making a preposterous claim. –

“I just knew that they were big and that as an Islamic organisation at the time, they were doing some really good things.”

Like, uh, what ‘good things?’

Sectarian tyranny? Sex-slavery? Murder of innocents?



Burning that Jordanian pilot alive?



That big lie is what gives the game away – Kimberley is evil.

Watch it, via that link above. It’s very educational.

We hear repulsive noises, not just the Canadian accented voice telling us that she thought their atrocities were merely the work of ‘lone wolves,’ but self-righteous indignation, with another allegedly ‘German’ beast complaining that she doesn’t even ‘have Google!’

The bitch seems to think she merits pity.



What came across very clearly from those running the camp was that a lot of these scum were in no way repentant.

One guard describes them as ‘ferocious!’


The Evil WithinThen


The ISIS rape-gang slags were originally placed side by side with actual refugees, The sows burned the refugees’ tents and abused them as ‘kaffirs’ – infidels.

They want to be sent ‘home’ – “I’m Brazilian, from Germany,”said one – to the very countries they abhorred and whose enemies they chose to adhere to.


First of all, they should no longer be afforded anonymity – the guards should rip away those burkas which the slags are still ostentatiously sporting.

That’s important – if they ever do get ‘home,’ decent people in the lands they reach should be able quickly and clearly to identify the returned enemy within.’

But far better, surely, that every Western government should ask the Kurds, politely, to put these vixen up against a wall and shoot them.

The slags may not believe in equality between men and women…

…but for those of us who do, the death penalty should surely be applicable to both ISIS pigs  -     –     – and ISIS sows.

The Kurds cannot reasonably be expected to hold onto these rabid creatures indefinitely.

Nor should they ever be permitted to set foot in the West.

PS  -since writing the above, another evil bint has hit the headlines, namely Beast Begum, who boasts he has  ‘no regrets about joining IS in Syria’and so obviously, deserves to be put to death.

Yet an Enemy Within cacaphhony has erupted, demanding she be allowed to return ‘home’ to the Britain she betrayed.




For how to handle scum like her, a good old-fashioned shariah stoning has powerful appeal.