• ross1948 18:28 on February 26, 2019 Permalink Reply
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    Laura Lynn – The Burnaby Battler!

    Didn’t she do well?

    Very well!

    Even the local leftist hate-freaks had to admit she did ‘shockingly’ well, in an embittered outburst in their malevolent media outpost innocuously called Burnaby Now –



    Laura Lynn Thompson popped up in Canadian news a few months ago, a feisty filly in British Columbia….

    In BC, Scarfy Slag Attacks Patriot Lady! 

    …taking on the Enemy Within.

    This past month or so she has been running for parliament, as candidate for the newly founded ( and sensible!) PPC …the People’s Party will defund the CBC, privatize Canada Post, abolish the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission.. .https://www.burnabynow.com/news/burnaby-south-will-surprise-canada-by-electing-people-s-party-candidate-bernier-says-1.23641807)

    …the People’s Party of Canada….


    Related image

    Laura Lynn


    …in the Burnaby South seat, and she has been offering a choice, not an echo, a rare treat for Canadian voters, especially refreshing, perhaps, to British Columbians, many of whom have been sickened by the vile cultural marxist assaults on common decencies…

    Fighting Back In Chilliwack

    come on Canada


    Victoria, BC – Pinko Mayor Scorns Democracy! 

    …. and on Canada’s heritage.

    Needless to say, telling truths attracts abuse, and during one of the election debates the PPC candidate was called a “racist.”

    What frightful words did she utter to earn the red-smear gang’s fave retort?


    49% of Canadians actually want reduced immigration.” said Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson. “I think that we represent the mainstream view, it is the liberals and the NDP who are extreme in this regard…..It really offends me to the core of my being when Mr. Jagmeet Singh, says that you’re a racist when you simply want a safe Canada.


    Right here in Burnaby South a young girl named Marrisa Shen was murdered in Central Park by a Syrian refugee. This demands that we be careful in vetting the refugees that come to our land.”


    Lovely Laura Lynn did not kowtow to that Singh fellow, a peculiar NDP candidate, a party leader looking for a seat, who came all the way to BC to make a grab for what has been a safe constituency for his socialist party in recent years.

    He is a dodgy character, not because he’s a Sikh but because he proudly shows up at events where he knows very well there will be fanatic Sikh separatists who espouse political violence.

    And he infamously declined to disown the abhorrent  Talwinder Singh Parmar – Canadian readers will know about that individual but others can learn of his twisted mind etc. via Google Search.

    Anyway, Laura Lynn swatted off the turbanned socialist’s jibes with ease – she’s no way a racist, much of her support coming from Asian-origin citizens who maintain decent values, just as LL does…

    Canada’s Good Immigrants Rally! 

    …and, unlike most, if not all, the other candidates, she has an excellent record of truly Canadian commitments to free speech, an outspoken opponent of that infamous ‘Islamophobia’ motion…


    …and one of the few Canadians in public life courageous enough to stand up to the vicious gaystapo…



    …by clipping the wings of the oppressive ‘human rights tribunals, which have been warring down free speech for decades.

    For starters, at least, Laura wants to excise the nonsensical ‘orientation discrimination’ law which elevates maladjustment to parity of esteem with normality.

    No wonder the bigots of Burnaby Now says there’s no chance we’ve seen or heard the last of the lady, with Canada’s federal election coming up soon.

    With 11% of the votes to her credit, she has laid the foundations for a cultural counter-revolution!

    • Arnold 02:49 on February 27, 2019 Permalink | Reply

      She did do well and she will do even better next time.
      I hope she runs in the riding I vote in.



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