• ross1948 23:01 on March 9, 2019 Permalink Reply
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    ‘Green Jersey Day?’ Stuff It Up Yer Jumper!

    I was reading in various media that the former leader of the so-called ‘moderate’ SDLP in Ulster, a man named Mark Durkan, has declared he will stand for the Strasbourg Slug ‘parliament’ in the forthcoming European elections, as a candidate for a foreign political party, Eire’s Fine Gael…


    Durkan with Eire’s queer leader

    … ….and ‘hopes Dubliners will back him so the people of Northern Ireland can still have representation in the European Union after Brexit.’

    His grand design is that May 24 will be a “green jersey day” –  to send a message to Brexiteers that the Irish people as a whole value the EU in a fundamental way”.

    First of all, there is NO SUCH THING as the ‘Irish People!’

    Ireland is an island, a geographical expression, only ever united under London rule. There are two distinct nations on that island, one which went its own way after WW1, the other, the Ulster British, choosing to stay in the UK.


    All the trouble since has been down to Dublin’s aggressive expansionism.

    Secondly, that SDLP has long been part of that expansionist offensive.



    Blood-Beast Adams, Eire leader Reynolds, and SDLP boss Hume, sealing their ‘pan-nationalist’ pact

    But that odd news item makes one feel like discussing a broader issue.

    It’s no laughing matter but the effrontery of the leftist Europhiliac ‘Independent’ last month  is, was, risible.



    Given that not one editorial in the ‘Independent’  EVER complained about the massive foreign interference in the 2016 referendum, openly approved by Theresa May and Brussels…



    …namely  the hundreds of thousands of votes cast by aliens with no loyalty to Queen and Country and whose duty of allegiance was and is to a hostile republic bound intimately to Britain’s deadly foes in the EUSSR, how DARE they now cavil about alleged pro-Brexit foreign helpers?

    Not to mention the current gross meddling by Evil Incarnate…



    Soros with Liar Juncker


    …which again has drawn not a chirp of protest, from the ‘Independent’ or, so far as I know, any other pro-Brussels media in the UK.

    Which brings us on to this…

    About 20 percent of Northern Ireland’s population holds only an Irish passport, according to 2011 census data.

    Image result for evil irish

    Probably the same in 2019 – one assumes by ‘Irish’ the reporter mean a document issued by the Government of Eire, the country which has always been hostile to Britain and has set out, throughout the Brexit drama…   

    Eire’s Snout In EU Trough – Vile Varadkar Exploits A Mess He Made Himself! 

    Stop Dual Citizenship – Eire Is The Enemy!

    Related image

    Eire’s Act Of War? Limp-Wrist Leo Stamps A Mincing Foot! 

    Mind Your Erse! Varadkar Minces Into Ulster’s Internal Affairs! 

    Dublin’s Fifth Column Vote Could Sink Brexit


    …to operate on a basis of sheer malice in ill-disguised pursuit of its expansionist ambitions.

    But what should NOT be the same today (nor, of course, should it have been the case in 2011) is the acquiescence of the UK and Ulster in that offensive situation.

    If that 20% are prepared to swear belated allegiance to Queen and Country, in a public place, then perhaps Brits might choose to cut the curs a little slack.

    Or not – I wouldn’t.

    Citizens of that hostile power should be told to go and live there.


    • Billy King 06:28 on March 11, 2019 Permalink | Reply

      Your writing is a tonic to read, Ross. I know you werent born in Ulster but you are outstanding the way you cotton on to how we feel about what’s going on and the way that enemy neighbour of ours behaves so badly.
      God bless you, sir!


      • Karen McClaren 17:31 on March 11, 2019 Permalink | Reply

        Right you are, Billy.
        Ulster needs more true friends like Ross.



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