• ross1948 19:06 on May 31, 2019 Permalink Reply
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    ISIS ‘Here Now…And Nobody Seems To Care!’


    Most of you probably have little or no idea who Assyrians are, except for keen Bible readers, who will recall they were a powerful kingdom that gave the ancient Israelites a hard time.



    But there are 120,000 of them in Sweden, known as ‘Syriac’ migrants, real refugees who are civilised people, not at all like the imported pig-ignorant primitives who drape women in head-shrouds and refuse to shake hands with members of the opposite sex.

    The Assyrians also happen to be Christians, which is why so many have left their Mid-East homes.

    The ISIS rape-gang and similar savages…



    …made them targets for sectarian atrocities.

    Appallingly, in Sweden too, ‘attacks against their churches and threats against their organisations are still not uncommon.’

    …the Syriac National Federation in Sweden has stepped up security measures, from camera surveillance to its own security guards…

    That’s because the Swedish state, and even the Swedish police, appear unable, or indeed unwilling, to protect them.

    Sweden’s cops, of course, are a pathetic bunch. We have noticed this previously….

    Sweden’s Evil Eliason – A Dog and its Vomit! 


    Länk till presentation av Dan Eliasson

    Before Dan Eliasson became Sweden’s national police commissioner, he tweeted that he ‘vomited’ when he saw Jimmie Åkesson, party leader of the Sweden Democrats, on television. <a href=”https://www.google.co.id/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&amp;

    The Eliasson Effect? Can Any Honest Patriot Still Aspire To A Career As A Cop? 


    …when the man put in charge of them was a notorious far-left extremist.

    Read the wretched report for yourself, threats of murder, arson, obscene hate, directed at decent people, but be sure to catch these chilling words

    We have fled these groupings to Sweden, but they have caught up with us here,” the coordinator of the Syriac National Federation has said – and added that although they have  repeatedly turned to the authorities, but found no understanding, except among the Christian Democrats.

    When asked why, the coordinator ventured

    “I don’t really know, it’s maybe fear of the Islamophobic card”, the coordinator ventured…




    Asked about ISIS?

    “…they are here now… and no one seems to care!” 

    Sweden is a nation seemingly bent on suicide, where men in judges’ robes flaunt their indifference to alien rapine and violence.

    Crimmigrant Rape Gangs Get Green Light in Sweden


    Sick, Sad Sweden – High Court Vetoes Somali Rapist’s Deportation 

    But let not Brits or Canadians cast too many aspersions on the Scandinavian country.

    The Traitrix still loitering in Downing Street can’t be accused of not seeming to care about Islamist evil.


    Image result for ISIS theresa leaveeu


    She cares all right – about the beasts’ “right” to ooze back into Britian!

    May has authorised the return of hundreds of evil Islamists to the UK from the caliphate where they slaughtered innocents and raped and enslaved so many women and girls.

    Same for Justin Turdo in Canada, who cares very much….about grubbing for fanatic votes….

    Drip Off the Old Block – Turdo Echoes Papa’s ‘Soft On Terror’ Stance 

    Obscene Justin Turdo Grubs For Disloyal Sectarian Votes! 

    Canada’s Enemy Within – Will Turdeau “Have To Look at The Root Causes?” 


    …and has even approved the lavishing of ten million tax dollars on a convicted terrorist killer.

    Killer Khadr, Millionaire, Strolls Into Canada’s Parliament 



    A thoroughly evil individual, this Killer Khadr, rewarded by Justin Turdo with ten million dollars despite having confessed to murderous terrorist activity.

    Ten Million Bucks For Killer Khadr? Canadian Petition!


    In Sweden, in Britain, in Canada, there IS an Enemy Within, reinforced by those countries’ own governments, courts and rotten media…


    ..and while it was good to see resistance parties do well in France, Italy and Belgium, patriots in every civilised nation need to redouble their efforts -and enlist the genuine refugees who can be invaluable in identifying and isolating the the enemy…


    out with them

    …and, when there finally are governments in place that DO care, in helping their hosts to purge the land of the sectarian plague!

    • Noreen Paterson 21:49 on May 31, 2019 Permalink | Reply

      At least the Swedes didn’t deliberately invite them in, like May.


    • Barbara 00:54 on June 1, 2019 Permalink | Reply

      The ISIS cancer is present in most Western countries and it must be cut out.
      We are at war and any migrant who who takes the side of ISIS has to be put out of action.
      Any citizen who takes the side of ISIS is guilty of treason and the death penalty is appropriate.



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