• ross1948 20:25 on June 24, 2019 Permalink Reply
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    The Strange (Queer?) Death Of UK Conservatism…

    We will look at Johnson again soon, but today comes the stomach-turning report from Birmingham, where his rival, Jeremy Hunt, not only endorsed the gaystapo jackboot policy we discussed  last week…

    ‘EXCLUSION ZONE?’ Not In Icy South Atlantic But In ‘Gay’ West Midlands! 

    …by expressing ‘his strong support for LGBT-inclusive lessons in schools..’


    …but made it crystal clear that he was fanatically in favour of intensifying Theresa May’s pro-homo indoctrination of little kids!

    Hunt asserted ‘his party must “leave no stone unturned” in ensuring every school in the UK is getting “the right message across to our children.”



    Bad enough, that a serious candidate for the leadership of what still calls itself the ‘Conservative Party’ can spout such decadent guff, but so much worse…




    …that his ‘comments reportedly received a standing ovation from the audience of Conservative party members in Birmingham…

    Clearly, that audience did not include any of the decent Birmingham parents being bullied by pinkos, leftist teachers backed up with police-state tactics.

    Brum’s Top Cop To Pro-Decency Parents – ‘Don’t Stage Even Lawful Protest

    Clearly, conservative values were absent from that ghastly get-together.

    Hunt has no shame – he ‘tweeted a video of the exchange alongside a further message of support for the LGBT+ community.’

    Hunt is also ignorant.

    For me, being gay is like being left-handed, it’s something you’re born with, and it’s not something you choose, it’s not something you can change. And that’s why we need to recognise every child needs to understand that.”

    I use ‘ignorant’ both in its literal sense, lacking knowledge, because plenty of queers have abandoned that wretched life-style choice…

    Gaystapo – Teachers Union Targets Cured Queers

    .From NYC – Proof Positive, ‘Gays’ Can Be Cured! 

    ….and in the colloquial sense, discourteous, offensive to left-handed people like myself!

    Who the hell wants to be bracketed with ‘bum-boys’  – as Bojo calls them – just because we don’t use our right-hand to tap out blog-posts on our lap-tops?

    So Hunt is a worse choice as Tory Leader than Johnson?

    You can decide for yourselves, once we post on the Domestic Incident Man in the next 24 hours!

    But if the lousy rabble that gave Hunt his ‘standing ovation’ represents today’s rank-and-file UK ‘conservatives,’ then whichever of them wins will find themselves leading a rotting corpse of a party…




    …into a political grave-yard.

    • Diana 23:33 on June 24, 2019 Permalink | Reply

      Never Tory again, though I truthfully gave up on them years ago,
      Reading about Hunt’s ovation made me feel sick at heart, and in the stomach.



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