Brazil’s Perverts Are ‘Afraid?’ They Deserve To Be!

 ‘We’re afraid’: the queer Brazilian sex artists targeted by Bolsonaro

That’s the headline above a long screed in The Guardian ( where else?) by some weirdo named Oliver Basciano, an individual I know nothing about and really don’t wish to.

He’s whining about Brazilian President Bolsonaro’s distaste for disgusting perverts, which, says the weirdo, is fanning the flames of wide-spread hostility.



Jair Bolsonaro

We’ve discussed this before, but thanks to Basciano we can be even clearer on the reasons for the hostility – which the queers blame entirely on Bolsonaro.

Queer people have been afraid since the president was elected,” says one of them.. “He has been demonising us from the start – but this was different…”

But after reading Basciano’s graphic descriptions of what Brazil’s “queer people” get up to, it’s hard not to conclude that they themselves, not the President, are the authors of their own misfortunes.

Imagine you’re enjoying an evening out on the town with your wife or girl-friend, or taking a stroll with your kids. Not necessarily in Brazil but in any country, in any community, anywhere in the world.

Along come the queers!

Walking through the crowds, they would intermittently stop to interact with each other, their gestures alternating between sensual dance and sexual acts. In the video,

Castello twerks for the crowd with his finger in his anus. Urination features heavily in the rest of the work.


Any group of degenerates who flaunt filthy, perverted behaviour of the sort described above should have no grounds for complaint if decent citizens kick them  off the street and into the gutter, where they belong.

 These people are sick scum.

Last month, the group – some naked, some dressed as animals or in PVC – performed at Esponja, an arts space in central São Paulo before an audience of 70 people.

A woman battered a naked man with a dildo strapped to her knee. Two other members of the collective tore off a man’s clothes with their teeth.

Much of the event was broadcast live via a pornography website.

This is not ‘art!’

Such behaviour can only be seen as manifestations of serious mental illness…



…and those described are in dire need of confinement until psychiatric treatment cures them of their ailments.

Again, we are compelled to ask what motivates the Guardian to publish justifications for depraved and decadent conduct.

We can understand why they detest any Latin American leader who has no sympathy for either queers and communists.

But the Guardian’s detestation could surely be marshalled in ways that don’t inspire loathing and contempt in normal human beings.