• ross1948 22:45 on August 13, 2019 Permalink Reply
    Tags: , , petition AFA, Whole Foods Market   

    Boycott – Till They Stop Sponsoring Cesspool Brain-Wash!


    Whole Foods Market is a sponsor of Drag Queen Story Hour events designed to indoctrinate children into transgenderism and homosexuality. Their goal is to normalize the LGBTQ lifestyle.

    Whole Foods Market was a primary sponsor of two Drag Queen Story Hour book readings recently held in Atlanta, GA.

    Atlanta Mayor Keisha Bottoms invited “Miss Terra Cotta Sugarbaker,” a.k.a. Steven Igarashi-Ball, to perform a Drag Queen Story Hour at city hall. There was an additional event held at a Fulton County Library branch.

    Sign our petition to executives at Whole Foods Market now! 

    A danger to our children
    At these events, men dressed in woman’s clothing read books that teach kids that boys might actually be girls – and vice versa. Drag Queen Story Hours pose a dark threat to the moral and spiritual lives of America’s children…

    And there’s more, just as nauseating.

    I’m perfectly prepared to pass on this bulletin from AFA, hoping all my American readers will sign it, but I see no reason why a boycott of Whole Foods Market should not begin NOW.




    Given how so many big business have chosen to take the low road and collaborate with sleazy creeps, it seems to me that this company will very likely adopt the contemptuous stance exemplified by Starbucks, whose plutocrat proprietor dismissed decency  – as we reported…

    Gambar terkait

    Howard Schultz said at their annual meeting “If you support traditional marriage, we don’t want your business…”


    Sign our petition to the executives at Whole Foods Market, urging them to no longer sponsor Drag Queen Story Hour events. Then, use the number provided to call Whole Foods corporate office and let them know sponsoring sexual deviancy to children is bad for business.


    Tim Wildmon, President
    American Family Association



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