• ross1948 19:00 on August 26, 2019 Permalink Reply
    Tags: , chorlton, , FBPE Europhiliacs fanatic, ,   

    The Stuck-Up Bitches Of Chorlton, UK!

    Since I have never seen much value in ‘twittering,’ I had only heard of one particularly ugly hashtag horde now and then.

    #FBPE is the Twitter sign that rabid Remainiacs are in the vicinity.


    My own understanding of the letters they use to identify their disloyalty to their own country has been that the initials presumably stood for “F— Britain, Pro-EUSSR

    But on Saturday I read..


    ..how a dissenter from their cur-creed was targetted, not only by the curs but by Twitter itself, simply for arguing his case.

    Their victim is a lawyer ( yes, there are honest members of that profession!) and as he tells it..




    ..the Europhiliacs people ‘organised mass reporting’ of his resistance and his ‘account was permanently suspended last Thursday.’

    No surprise.

    Twitter’s far left geekstapo are into censorship in a big way and are infamous for stomping decent folks…

    Petition Against Canada’s Most Revolting Pervert? 

    Image result for twitter left bias


    …and indeed allowing hate-freaks to flourish beneath their banner.   Who Will Report This Remainiac For Incitement? 

    But the more I read of his article in Spiked.com, describing the sickening stuck-ups in cheesy Chorlton, the snobsville English suburb he lives in, the more nauseated I became.


    In particular, the bigot bats, discussing ‘sh-tty, Brexity’ towns of people they are glad they don’t dwell amongst.

    Such a pity he didn’t record their hate speech and present it to the Crown Prosecution Service, to see if they were as interested in harrying moneyed turncoat bitches…



    ..as they are in silencing patriots who heckle scumbags like Shrill Soubry.



    • Lee Cullen 10:25 on August 27, 2019 Permalink | Reply

      My ancestors in England lived in or near Chorlton. They were respectable people, as far as I know.
      It must be in-breeding, or incest, that has produced those stuck-up bitches!



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