Fox Channel’s Klutz ‘Comedy’ – Anti-ICE, Pro-Crimmigrant !

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Having tried watching the klutzy ‘comedy’ “Superior Donuts” a couple of times, and found it outstandingly, stupidly, indeed,  unfunny, I had the misfortune tonight to tune into Fox Channel while it was on.


“Hide, quick, ICE is coming!”


I was waiting for The Walking Dead and also for the water-delivery man ( not a tv show but a necessity in a city where nobody wants to drink tap-water!)

And what was Superior Donuts doing this warm Jakarta evening?

Promoting the crimmigrant cause!



There was an ICE raid due to happen in the neighbourhood.

Hence a debate in the donut-shop, in which, of course, the only pro-ICE voice was heard from the most unpopular person in the show, Fawz, while the ‘cool, young, nice’ characters were all on the side of the illegal…


….who of course was charming and benign – and whose status was referred to in pinko-speak not as illegal but by the Media-Democrat collabo word, ‘undocumented…’



Even the ‘local cop’ character showed her indifference to upholding the law of the land.

 This is not the first time that Fox has been noticed for featuring leftist soaps…

Fox Channel’s Lefty Lesby Soap – Anti-Deportation Drivel! 

…so Americans ought to start protesting.