• ross1948 06:22 on January 3, 2020 Permalink Reply
    Tags: , , Nils Metzer, ,   

    U.N. Dork – Traitor-Freak’s Self-Imposed Confinement Is ‘Torture!’ “

    I see that ugly traitor Bradley Manning is back in the news…



    ….thanks to a babbling buffoon named Nils Metzer who says the USA is ‘torturing’ the freak.

    We keep hearing about these over-paid sticky-beak leftists designated by the UN as ‘rapporteurs’ – which basically means snoopers.

    There was that weirdo woman who lectured Britain, an ugly American UN SOB…


    Hasil gambar untuk Tendayi Achiume

    Tendayi Achiume, born in Gambia, a ‘professor’ in USA – how much does she ‘earn?’ 

    Sticky-Beak UN Bint Insults Brits! 

    …and another uppity UN ‘rapporteur’ Lousy Leilani who went primping around Paris scolding the French…

    Who Does Leilani Farha Think She Is? 

    They run about the world at YOUR expense, telling the governments of democratic countries what they may or may not do…


    …and now we have Nutty Nils, who seems to think that being put behind bars for contempt of court is ‘cruel and degrading’


    That is simply hogwash!

    It is a realistic penalty which merely detains people until they comply with a court’s right to require answers to justifiable questions.

    It is common to many democratic countries, the only effective penalty, in fact, for rancid recalcitrants like The Thing.

    There’s no ‘torture’ at all involved in detention, although Bradley ( let’s not call The Thing ‘Chelsea’)  Manning may regard being deprived of the right to mince about on leftist platforms as true torment!

    Obama shamelessly let it out of jail decades earlier than its treason deserved.

    Breaking – Obama Commutes Traitor Freak’s Sentence 

    Now it’s back inside.

    It should be kept where it is until it honours the law of the country it so basely betrayed.

    • Jim Ex Jakarta 06:50 on January 3, 2020 Permalink | Reply

      Morning, Ross.
      Yes, 100 percent agree with you!


    • Lorne Marzio 10:07 on January 3, 2020 Permalink | Reply

      Yes and throw away the key!



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