Why Are Old Brits Demonised? Guardian Hides The Hate?

We have surely heard enough about ‘xenophobia,’ and  ‘Islamophobia’ and ‘homophobia,’ all stupid buzz-words used to demonise people who object to, respectively…



….arrogant aliens unwilling to adapt to the country they choose to live in, shariah fanatics who elevate sectarianism above national allegiance, and exaltation of sexual maladustment..

But what about ‘Age-ism?’

If some creep doesn’t want to hire me because I’m over 25, 30, 40, or whatever, then as far as I’m concerned, he or she can stuff it…

…because I wouldn’t want to work for him, or her!

But the Guardian last week had a big piece about why oldsters are ‘demonised’ in the UK.



Some of the scribbler’s writing made a bit of sense, but NOWHERE did I see even a vague reference to the hate-campaign waged by Remainers against the older generation’s patriotism, which they found so obstructively distasteful.



More than a few Enemy Within politicians and ‘activists’ made clear their impatience with true Brit patriots who wouln’t die out fast enough.

Remember the silly old white man who didn’t like old white people. How dare Lib Dem Sir Vince Cable call Brexiteers old, white racists

His vitriol was echoed online only last week!

One social media user, who previously posted about stopping Brexit wrote in a sick post: “If Covid-19 kills a hefty amount of old people in this country, does that mean the general opinion will swing away from Brexit?” Another Twitter user said: “Coronavirus is the ghost of Brexit coming to kill the old people for voting wrong.”

And someone else wrote: “If I get coronavirus, I’m targeting old people who voted Brexit.”

Nor is such gerontophobia ( not one of my new home-made words but an accurate academic word for fear and loathing of senior citizens) a very recent political phenomenon.

Back in Tony B.Liar’s time, it became known that full-scale multiculting of the realm would not be achieved until the generation that had lived through WW2 was eliminated from the British polity, ‘as this generation dies out...’

(see Telegraph report – Labour wanted mass immigration to make UK more multicultural, says former adviser) 

So today I urge all my older readers to stay home, get on your laptops and fight back!

