• ross1948 11:01 on June 11, 2020 Permalink Reply
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    Vote! ‘Amen’ To PC Censorship?’ Embley’s BBC Bias!

    A repulsive ranting black lesbian ( that’s not racist – I say a lot worse about horrid white sexually maladjusted women) named Gina Yashire…







    ….was on BBC with Commissar Embley at 10.15am Thursday, Jakarta time, tantrum-jabbering about the latest cultural marxist censorship of good old TV series…

    Why Little Britain and Come Fly With Me were removed from streaming services. Pictures: BBC

    Both series – which star David Walliams and Matt Lucas – have come under fire recently because of the use of blackface in some sketches…

    Come under fire?

    And from whom?

    Only from uptight leftists, like Yashere, and Embley, who not only did NOT invite anyone onto the propaganda show to disagree with Uppity’s dictatorial demand that whatever her BLM crowd doesn’t like…



    …regardless of its immensely humorous quality, should be denied to normal people…

    …but concluded his ‘interview’ with the ranter with these words.

    Amen To That!’



    On whose behalf is Embley purporting to ‘amen’ her frantic, frothing, fanatic intolerance?

    Fortunately, unlike the BBC, one local newspaper in the UK is offering YOU a chance to speak.



    Use the poll, now, in case it too is banned!

    • JazPen 11:54 on June 11, 2020 Permalink | Reply

      I saw that. That lesbian woman is not quite right in the head.
      Those were funny tv shows, not at all offensive.
      I am about to follow that link and vote.


    • Charlie Platten 12:37 on June 11, 2020 Permalink | Reply

      Thanks, Ross.
      I just voted and it’s 90% for comedy against 10% for BBC censorship. In one town, but until proven otherwise, assume the same for the rest of the country, except for odd-ball areas like Islington and maybe some university cities full of brain-washed undergraduates.

      You should have used more from that Swindon newspaper, like how the crumb who used to star in the show made a ‘tearful apology for portraying black celebrities..’

      What did you call Bojo? Oh yes..

      Jellyfish everywhere these days!

      What does the BBC say –

      Times have changed since Little Britain first aired, so it is not currently available on BBC iPlayer.”
      Pure ideological censorship.

      Those shows were pretty funny.

      In Come Fly With Me – Lucas wore dark make-up to play Jamaican woman Precious and ground crew employee Taaj, who was of Pakistani descent.’
      The twit has since said ‘he has regrets about Little Britain, describing the comedy as “cruel”.’

      What’s cruel about making us laugh?

      It isn’t only the race hsng-ups, either.

      He told The Big Issue: “If I could go back and do Little Britain again, I wouldn’t make those jokes about transvestites…’

      What else can we do about transvestites?



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