In Italy, A Filthy Savage Robs A 72-Year-Old Man!

A righteously angry Matteo Salvini posted this last week…

….on his Facebook page.

Assaulting a 72-year-old man from behind, kicking him with unheard of violence, crushing his face with a foot.
For a mobile phone and a few euros….
A disgusting crime, committed by a convicted “serial robber,” but above all wicked, inhuman, monstrous.
Thanks to law enforcement this criminal is in jail, I hope he pays and gets expelled from our country: GO!

It was sent to me by my friend who, unlike me, has not been banned from Facebook!

Oh, and please note, the creature in the photo below is NOT the 72-year-old Italian!

Catania, aggredisce anziano in piazza Università picchiandolo duramente: in carcere rapinatore seriale
Catania, aggredisce anziano in piazza Università picchiandolo duramente: in carcere rapinatore seriale
🔊 Ascolta audio dell’articolo CATANIA – I carabinieri della Stazione di Catania Piazza Verga hanno eseguito un’ordinanza di custodia cautelare in carcere, emessa dal G.I.P. del Tribunale di Catania, nei confronti di Abdoulaye Thiam, cittadino extracomunitario di origini senegalesi….
Not my translation, but I believe it’s accurate!

It was I who put the key words in bold type!