• ross1948 17:32 on May 5, 2021 Permalink Reply
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    May 5th – Sands’ Suicide – Maggie Was Right!

    When the Sinn Fein/IRA terrorist Robert Sands committed suicide on May 5th, all those years ago, he thus violated the clear tenets of his allegedly Catholic faith…



    …yet his carcass was interred with no word of condemnation heard from any Catholic clergy, not that I recall anyway…



    While there are Catholics in Ulster who are loyal to Queen and Country, the complicity of most, if not all, their clergy was shocking.

    Moreover, Sands was an MP, elected by thousands of disloyal scum like himself.

    Frankly, those aspects of the episode showed Ulster’s British majority the extent of the evil that threatened them, a wedge of treason in the body politic..



    …an ever-widening wedge of evil, which is menacing them again in 2021.

    Maggie Thatcher was 100% correct in her response back then.

    Mr Sands was a convicted criminal. He chose to take his own life. It was a choice that his organisation did not allow to many of their victims.”

    Maggie was an imperfect human being, who made mistakes, both in Ulster and in Rhodesia…

    Ulster Brits Face ‘Zimbabwe’ Nightmare – No Surrender! 

    But would she ever have sold out to evil…



    …as did John Major, who told the House of Commons that the ‘very idea’ of talks with Blood-Beast Adams would make his ‘stomach churn….’

    Look At Major’s Record! 

    …while his posh flunkey, the oleaginous Patrick Mayhew, was up to his neck in exactly such talks?

    Would she have done that dirty deal as was concocted between the same foul Blood-Beast and B. Liar…


    Bliar and Blood-Beast


    …by which Ulster was shamefully sold out?

    I like to think not.


    • Eunice Garnett 18:40 on May 5, 2021 Permalink | Reply

      And did the Pope at that time not go out of his way to show sympathy to those dirty hunger-strikers.
      So much hypocrisy among these so-called ‘holy men. ‘


    • Billy King 20:04 on May 5, 2021 Permalink | Reply

      So much fuss was made about that terrorist Sands.
      As Maggie said, nobody forced him to commit suicide.
      A bad man and a bad lot that supported him.



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