• ross1948 21:08 on May 14, 2021 Permalink Reply
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    Glasgow Cops Appease Pro-Crimmigrant Mob

    It would be bad enough if ‘two men detained by UK Immigration Enforcement’ had escaped with the help of a howling mob.

    But, disgracefully, we read that the crimmigrants were sprung by those whose duty it is to enforce the law!

    As a leftist shrew hollered triumphantly…

    You messed with the wrong city!

    Police Scotland intervened to free the men..’

    This happened after a tense day-long standoff when a mob surrounded the immigration officials in their van on a Glasgow street.

    The proper police response to a situation where honest people doing their jobs is beset by a rabble…



    ….is to draw truncheons and/or tasers and disperse the scumbags.

    Instead of getting stuck into the rabble, Superintendent Mark Sutherland opted for collaboration.

    He ‘decided to release the detained men…

    …in order to protect the safety, public health and well-being of those involved in the detention and subsequent protest..”.

    So the next time a pack of hoodlums surround a granny, demanding her money or her life, will we hear that Glasgow’s constabulary ‘asked those at the scene to disperse from the area as soon as possible?’

    That Sutherland sounds as much of a craven KeyStone as the other superintendent we often feature….


    See the source image

    Avon and Somerset Police Superintendent Andy Bennett said the action was“inexplicable and unacceptable,” and that the police treat “any reported hate crime with the utmost seriousness.” 

    Police-State UK? Don’t Dare Say It’s OK To Be White!

    Mealy-Mouth Mark has the brazen backing of the top brass.

     “Police Scotland does not assist in the removal of asylum seekers.”

    And of that fanatically pro-crimmigrant fishwife Sturgeon…


    Sturgeon, far-left SNP boss


    ….who also endorsed the shameful behaviour of her leftist constabulary.

    As to the shrill shrew quoted above, she is identified in the report.


    Pinar Aksu


    As cheering protesters escorted the men to the local mosque, Pinar Aksu, of Maryhill Integration Network said: “They messed with the wrong city…” https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2021/may/13/glasgow-residents-surround-and-block-immigration-van-from-leaving-street


    Glasgow was fun when I was there, years ago.

    Now it’s messed up, clearly crawling with creepy left-extremists, esp. in the SNP.

    How many English, Welsh and Ulsterfolk must be starting to wonder…

    …if refurbishing Hadrian’s Wall might not be such a bad idea.

    • Jock Tamson 21:23 on May 14, 2021 Permalink | Reply

      Don’t think we’re all as bad as that superintendent.
      It’s horrible to read about aliens like that woman from wherever it was she came from, taking the part of more aliens who shouldn’t be in Scotland.
      The SNP are a curse on Scotland, as you have shown us with what you have written about their extremist MPs
      Good Scots need to get organised.
      Otherwise bad Scots, like Superintendent Mark Sutherland, need to know they are not putting our wee country down without a fight.


    • Noreen Paterson 21:52 on May 14, 2021 Permalink | Reply

      Scotland was a lovely place to spend one’s childhood but if the police are all like that man Sutherland, it’s no longer safe for law-abiding people.
      Mob rule is not much of an attractiion.


    • Lorna Cunningham 23:07 on May 14, 2021 Permalink | Reply

      Police Scotland should be defunded if they pick and choose what laws they enforce.

      They are an embarassment.



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