• ross1948 01:47 on May 29, 2021 Permalink Reply  

    Red Rats Target Decent Parents – Join The Fight-Back!

    We took a look at the good parents of Loudoun County not long ago…



    Parents Fighting Back – Exactly What’s Needed! 

    …but now there’s more on their fight-back, which everyone should support – and can support, by signing up below.



    But what should galvanise your readiness to join the resistance is the revelation that…

    …six school board members were exposed for being part of a private Facebook group that conspired to illegally target “unwoke” parents and local businesses that spoke against the indoctrinating curriculum….


    PLEASE READ ON, and do what you can to stem the tide of evil.

    a group of conservative and concerned parents organized in Loudoun County, Virginia, after deciding their school board’s overbearing policies and liberal mandates went too far.

    After a year of frustration with the Loudoun County Public Schools board, Fight for Schools was formed as a PAC (Political Action Committee) and started the petition process of recalling six of the nine board members for “neglect of duty, misuse of office, and incompetence in the performance of their duties.”

    Sign this letter of support to Fight for Schools, the group of parents who are taking a pro-active approach in taking back control of the education system in their schools.

    On its Facebook page, Fight for Schools says the board has continued “to fail in its response to Covid-19” by keeping schools closed and “focusing instead on the implementation of a politicized curriculum that is dividing the county.”

    Specifically, the parents’ group opposes the board implementing the very dangerous and Marxist Critical Race Theory, undermining what parents believe is best for their children’s education. In addition, six school board members were exposed for being part of a private Facebook group that conspired to illegally target “unwoke” parents and local businesses that spoke against the indoctrinating curriculum.

    Friends, this is just one example of what is happening in some of our local school systems. As parents, it is imperative that we know exactly what is being taught to our children. This is more than a fight for a specific policy goal. This is a fight for our children and an education that will give them the critical thinking skills needed to succeed. It is a fight for their future.

    AFA has put together a few resources to help you understand exactly what Critical Race Theory is and the danger it presents to children and our nation:


    I encourage you to take time this summer to learn more about the curriculum your local school district is planning to use this fall.

    Some states are already taking steps to prohibit Critical Race Theory, while others are embracing it full tilt. Knowing what your school is teaching is the first step in learning how you, and other parents, can guide the education of your children in the public school system.

    Sign this letter of support to Fight for Schools, the group of parents of the Loudoun County Public School district who are taking a pro-active approach in taking back control of the education system in their schools.



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