• ross1948 16:30 on August 20, 2021 Permalink Reply
    Tags: , , Off-Setting   

    BBC’s Climate Panic – Ask A Stupid Question!

    Will I ever be able to fly without feeling guilty again?” – BBC News

    That’s the headline, and UK Pravda’s story beneath it, while it does cover other opinions..

    . .

    May be an image of text that says '1972: UN environment protection boss" warns: "We have ten years to stop the catastrophe' U.N. Ecology Parley Opens Amid Gloom UN'S FIFTY YEARS OF 1982: Tolba, head UN Environment Programme Times: nations the world continue their current policies they year ECO-DOOM 1990 Mostafa Tolba, head ofUN an environmental catastrophe as irreversible as any nuclear holocaust' M WARNINGS Environment Programme: must fix climate change change before 1995: lose limate years ofthe issue "We shall win - or lose the climate struggle in the first years of the 1990s" "The ozone layer protection agreements years reach climate'

    (though no climate dissenter gets safe or even unsafe space to challenge the in-crowd’s latest bout of hysteria)..

    …surely gives undue prominence to that odd question, and makes at least one big unquantifiable claim.

    Many more people are still boarding the planes, but wrestling with a growing sense of shame.



    We know the BBC doesn’t believe in the ‘fair and balanced’ principle that honest journalism involves, and spins its broadcasts shamelessly….


    Does the Beeblette, a chick named Lucy Hooker, seriously ask such klutzy questions…

    Will I ever be able to fly without feeling guilty again?” – BBC News

    ….of people she hangs out with?


    What kind of company would one have to keep, in order to ask such a dimwit question and not be laughed out the room?

    They now feel that their desire for a holiday in the sun or a far-flung adventure is playing a small but undeniable part in the growing crisis of extreme weather events, rising sea levels and melting polar ice…


    Oh for God’s sake.

    Who the Hell’s “They? “

    I hate flying, but not because of ‘shame. ‘

    It’s because I don’t like the idea of having so far to fall if the engine stalls.

    A boat will float…

    …a bus will pull over, but…

    I’m sure many of you know exactly what I mean.

    We do fly, nevertheless, because the destination is desirable.

    Maybe it is just a fun week in the sun, or, just as often, seeing people we care about.

    But fear not, quivering creeps!

    According to Ms. Hooker, her headlined ‘many’ can turn to a bunch of odd-balls called ‘Flight Free UK,’ who think guilty consciences may be salved…

    …if suitably ‘shamed’ folk lash out cash on ‘projects’ of the type that might gladden the heart of that mentally stricken creature beloved by the BBC….

    • Greta Thunberg’s ‘expertise’ dismantled before backlash over BBC document



    …the Addled Swede Brat.


     Happily, even a ‘Friends of the Earth’ spokesman dismisses the Flight Free UK fanatics’ ‘Off-Setting,’ aka begging-bowl, as ‘the biggest con on earth!

    I doubt if any of my blog-followers will suffer a nano-second of ‘shame’ when finally the Chinese Virus…



    …is curbed sufficiently to let them fly again.

    But please alert hapless acquaintances who might be susceptible to ‘Off-Setting.’

    What may not be ‘the biggest con on earth’ is still a piece  of pinko-panicker nonsense.


    • Kemangeroo 19:03 on August 20, 2021 Permalink | Reply

      Flight Free?
      Fine, next time I want to see my rels in England I will book two months holiday and go by sea.



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