• ross1948 15:50 on November 13, 2021 Permalink Reply
    Tags: , , Evil Eire, , Thomas Byrne Eire minister   

    Put Uppity Eire In Its Place – Dump The Protocol!

    I think we have come across this geezer before….

    …but Eire’s ‘Minister for European Affairs’ has certainly reminded Ulster Brits and their fellow-Brits on the mainland how low the UK has sunk…


    …in terms of both national pride and actual sovereignty, due to successive governments’ eagerness to appease.



    Minister Byrne whines that the row over that damned Protocol –

    ‘…represented the first time the UK government has been out of step with the international consensus on preserving peace and stability in Northern Ireland in 25 years..’.

    What an indictment of Cameron, Blair and Major, and, if we’re painfully honest, the Thatcher government too.

    What all of those leaders should have said, and done, in response to Dublin’s attempts to meddle in Ulster, was to make it clear…


    …that no snivelling little foreign state was going to stick its nose into British affairs…


    ….much less assert an uppity, historically unsound claim on British territory.

    Saying that, Byrne sums up the current situation quite neatly. .

    We have a situation where we have the US putting pressure on the British government, the EU united in one voice with concern about Northern Ireland, Ireland concerned about Northern Ireland.


    An unwholesome array of hostile forces indeed.



    One formerly friendly country, now governed, for the time being…


    Gerry Adams holds talks with f...

    …by a senescent buffoon, untroubled by the satanic company he keeps….


    …along with the Fourth Reich, along with Britain’s perpetual bad neighbour.

    ‘We’ve never had a situation in the last 25 years where the British government is out of the loop on that… ‘


    Time, gentlemen, please!

    • Billy King 18:32 on November 13, 2021 Permalink | Reply

      Good to read your words as always, Ross, but did you see in the news today, the Tories are drifting towards a sell-out again, some sort of ‘deal’ on ‘medicines.’

      It’s typical of these Tories, a deal that will still leave us under the rule of that European Court?

      Ulster gets shafted again and Johnston will claim it as a success, the way he always does when he gives in.


    • Scott Douglaa 20:54 on November 13, 2021 Permalink | Reply

      They make no secret of their intention to take Ulster.
      God help them if they ever try.


    • Angus Bland 23:15 on November 13, 2021 Permalink | Reply

      Those b-stards provided safe haven for Sinn Fein IRA terrorists for years, the Dublin judges ruled that bombing and murder were political so the bombers and murderers could not be handed over for justice to be done.
      Byrne and every other politician in his country should be down on their knees begging to atone for Eire’s sins.



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