• ross1948 16:03 on September 1, 2022 Permalink Reply
    Tags: , , first-name terms, Josh Baker   

    How Sweet On ISIS Bitch Begum Is Auntie BBC?

    What do we know about Josh Baker, the man who was amiably interviewed at 4.30pm yesterday (Jakarta time)…




    …by BBC World News  presenter James Reynolds….

    BBC’s Lefty Reynolds’ Loaded Lesbos Questions! !

    James Reynolds

    BBC Bluster Can’t Hide Truth – U.S ‘Non-Partisan’ Left Exposed! 

    …whom we have discussed previously!

    Baker’s the man behind a podcast about Begum The ISIS Bitch, a podcast impartially entitled….

    “I’m Not A Monster!”

    As appears to be accepted BBC practice….

    BBC On First-Name Terms With Jihadist Vermin


    …Reynolds referred to Begum not as ‘Begum,’ nor ‘Ms. Begum,’ but as ‘Shamima’ –

    As one of my regular commenters mused yesterday, if the topic were some other evil character…

    ..”….by the same token, if BBC were reporting on Bin Laden, would it be ‘Osama’ or ‘Mr. Bin Laden?’
    When BBC reported on Charles Manson, was it ‘Charles’ or ‘Mr. Manson? ‘ “

    Yesterday, we headlined this shameful behaviour,

    BBC, At It Again…’Shamima!’


    If people want to make podcasts about scum who toddled off to adhere to a gang of sectarian rapists and murderers, scum like Begum…

    ….well, I’d tend to ignore such people.

    But “I’m Not A Monster” is no private project…

    It’s a BBC podcast!

    You Brit readers coerced into funding the BBC – are you impressed?

    The podcast series is produced by Joe Kent and Josh Baker, with series editor Emma Rippon for BBC Long Form Audio.
    It was commissioned by Dylan Haskins for BBC Radio 5 Live and BBC Sounds.

    The film is directed by Josh Baker, produced by Sara Obeidat and Sasha Joelle Achilli and the Executive Producer, Sarah Waldron.

    Notes to Editors

    • The first series of I’m Not A Monster told the story of Sam Sally, an American mother who left behind a comfortable life and travelled to the heart of what the Islamic State group called its caliphate with her family. 
    • https://www.bbc.com/mediacentre/2022/shamima-begum-film-and-podcast
    • Anyway, I looked into Josh Baker, who is apparently well-known in his professional field and wins prizes.

    • He has secured a plethora of specialist access, be that with terrorist groups, elite military units, Whale hunters, sex workers, or friends and family of contributors….

    • Fun, Fun, Fun? But knowing what we know about Lily Allan…

    • …perhaps this other film might be less fun…

    • . He was the Shooting PD on Lily Allan in the Calais jungle for the BBC, a film that generated substantial debate around child refugees….

    • Like, how many of them are even ‘children.’


    • e


    • Cal Fitzpayne 22:05 on September 1, 2022 Permalink | Reply

      Keep after them, buddy. Every one of the dirty rats who ran off to ISIS should be exterminated.


    • Moira Bethan 23:53 on September 1, 2022 Permalink | Reply

      Begum needs to be hanged for treason but the Tories need to hold a referendum on hanging first.
      No, on second thoughts, need to get Britain out of the ECHR first, then the referendum, then start hangings, not just Begum but all those ISIS ‘British” traitors that Theresa May allowed back in spite of their treason.



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