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  • ross1948 12:36 on March 24, 2024 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: appeal court, , Real IRA murder gang, , ,   

    Punishing Evil – Rare UK Court Sense! 

    After our recent comments deploring the slap on the wrist administered to a filthy savage who happens to be black…

    Less Then 2 Years? What A Sick Joke! 


    ​Choul Phan Maker

    Choul Phan Mak


     ..now we have much better news to note, about a filthy savage who happens to be white!


    The Court of Appeal has increased the sentence imposed on a man jailed over a Real IRA murder bid on a Catholic police officer in County Tyrone.


    Pacemaker Gavin Coyle
    Gavin Coyle, Traitor Cur, Enemy of King and Country


    It found the original six-year term to have been “unduly lenient” and imposed a tariff of eight years.


    Great, especially since the swine had appealed for a REDUCTION in the sentence.

    Pity the judges didn’t make it 50 years.

    But if only…

       ….the UK had not abolished the death penalty for treason.


    Has Reform UK included a referendum on capital punishment in its manifesto?

  • ross1948 17:25 on October 24, 2016 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , appeal court, , ,   

    Gaystapo Wins in Ulster – A Dark Day for Freedom, Decency and Logic! 

    A dark, dark day for religious liberty, and all the more so because it’s in British Ulster, detested by the cultural marxists who infest the ruling elites in the rest of the UK.


    ———Hasil gambar untuk court gay asher

    • =================
    • They clearly saw this as their chance to effect a ‘great leap forward’ in their war on a a bastion of traditional values!

    And thanks to a trio of robed clowns, they will be celebrating tonight, swilling their pink gins with vindictive glee.

    . That’s the sad tidings reflected in this headline from The Irish News


    Ashers bakery loses appeal against ‘gay cake’ ruling

    For those unfamiliar with the background, a smarmy creep named Gareth Lee requested a cake depicting Sesame Street characters Bert and Ernie below the motto “Support Gay Marriage” for an event to mark International Day Against Homophobia.


    • Hasil gambar untuk court gay asher
    • Daniel and Amy McArthur


    Lee minced off to whine to the local wing of the gaystapo, the Equalities Commission, claiming he was left feeling like a lesser person.

    He didn’t previously?

    How odd!

    He’s certainly an odd person, as odd as a nine bob note, as we used to say…

    Hasil gambar untuk odd as a nine bob note


    …with a very odd line of argument, as a writer in the Belfast Newsletter notes.


    Let’s look at a different example – its what lawyers call a comparator.

    If I, as a straight guy, ordered a cake with slogan saying ‘Support Gay Marriage,’ Ashers would have declined my order. Discrimination requires people to be treated differently.

    As Mr Lee and I would have been treated the same, there is by definition no discrimination.

    The strange thing is that the Equality Commission argument is that I would have been discriminated against on the grounds of sexual orientation. If you are confused, you are not alone.


    One might wonder why any normal person ought be obliged to endorse such an unwholesome event as the International Day Against Homophobia.

    But not these days.

    Dare to dissent!

    That’s the challenge nowadays, not only to Christians but to everyone who believes in individual freedom, or religious liberty…



    ….or just basic decency.

    And all such people recoiled at the conclusion, when Lee was awarded a legalised rip-off of 500 quid ‘compensation!’

    Now we learn that the Court of Appeal in Belfast has reaffirmed the cruel iniquity of the previous hearing.

    God damn them!

  • ross1948 19:30 on May 10, 2016 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: appeal court, , goats, , , Itlay, , sacrifices   

    Another Italian Court Crawls To Shariah! 

    So now callous cruelty is the latest phenomenon to be excused on shariah grounds by what we thought were civilised European countries?


    Shariah Controlled Zone_thumb[1]


    How long will this appeasement go on?

    I’ll skip comment on the way the report slurs Romania by referring to the brutal curs as ‘Romanian travellers living in a camp‘ – they are quite obviously Roma and readers know what that means… 


    Travellers DON’T Obstruct Roads and Railways! It’s Roma Ratbags! 

    Brussels, to the French, in France – “It’s No Matter if You’reRoma or French!”

     Utopia? Even German Left Wakes Up toRomaParasite Menace! 

    The mangy swine were charged by Genoa police two years ago after publicly slaughtering a young goat by cutting its throat and then hanging it upside down, while it was still conscious….



    Wholesale killing of goats and cattle is not unusual here in Indonesia, which of course is 90% Muslim. It takes place at Idul Adha, not long before the Christmas holiday season as a rule.

    I often see the animals penned up along the roadsides and feel sorry for them. But this is Indonesia, where maltreatment of animals is not something that is covered in many state or city laws.

    Our report, in contrast, comes from Italy, one of the cradles of European culture! Decent locals were horrified – ‘bloodcurdling’ was the word they used to describe what happened.

    But the Roma ratbags were bought to justice!

    The two men were then convicted of animal cruelty and fined €4,600.

    Hold that cheer!

    A grovel git named Judge Mauro Amisano heard the nasty pair’s appeal and let them off, because the act was carried out as part of a religious festival.

    So violation of Italian law is now perfectly okay, if cruel criminals plead that shariah allows it?


    “It cannot be considered illegal because it is a practice which is permitted by the freedom of religious expression.”  http://www.thelocal.it/20160509/italian-court-absolves-two-muslims-fined-over-public-goat-slaughter

     So shariah trumps Italy’s legal code? Murder of apostates and the stoning of alleged adulteresses will feature next on that ass Amisano’s agenda for decriminalisation?



    God damn that sell-out turd of a judge!



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