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  • ross1948 09:02 on April 16, 2016 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: Cirebon, , Palace, ,   

    Good News from Cirebon! IslamoNazi Mob Thwarted! 

    Good news indeed, after our report earlier this week, about the IslamoNazi FPI gang’s plan to disrupt a ceremonial event at the Sultan of Cirebon’s palace.


     Cirebon Palace


    Long Live the King…of Cirebon! IslamoNazis Told “MYOB!’ 

    The sectarian louts’ normal methods, violence and vandalism, were not allowed to emerge, never mind prevail, thanks to Cirebon Police showing a welcome determination in the face of the bigots’ declared aim of preventing Dedi Mulyadi, Regent of Purwakarta, from attending the traditional court ritual.

    Police Chief Eko Sulistiyo made it clear he would deal with any hooligans who stepped out line, and eventually the fanatic mob dispersed all by themselves.  http://regional.liputan6.com/read/2483539/fpi-gagal-hadang-bupati-purwakarta-ke-keraton-cirebon

    So well done Eko, an agreeable exception to the rule among too many senior cops in Indonesia, who too often collaborate with the white-shirt undesirables.  

     Muslim School Burned by Angry Crowd – Police Enlist IslamoNazis to Counsel Kids! 

    And well done too, to the Cirebon royals who displayed commendable courage by refusing to bow to threats and rants from the notorious bullies of the FPI.

  • ross1948 13:18 on April 14, 2016 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: Cirebon, Dede Mulyadi, , , , Nada dan Zikir, ,   

    Long Live the King…of Cirebon! IslamoNazis Told “MYOB!’ 

    Delightful to read, on metrotvnews.com, that the Sultanate of Cirebon, in West Java, has ‘rejected the request’ of the IslamoNazi FPI, (self-styled ‘Defenders of Islam’) that the rather good Dedi Mulyadi, Regent of Purwakarta, be made unwlecome at his court.

    There’s a big event, the ‘Nada dan Dzikir’ ( a Muslim religious ceremony) to be staged at the Cirebon Palace, to which the Regent has been invited. . http://jabar.metrotvnews.com/peristiwa/zNA800AK-patih-keraton-cirebon-tolak-permintaan-fpi-untuk-cegah-dedi-mulyadi
    The link has a video.

    The white-shirt gang’s West Java gauleiter, Dede Irawan, however, is continuing the vigilante thugs’ campaign against the Regent who has often ‘outraged religion.’


    Islamist Insanity – ‘He’s Married The Goddess of the South Seas!’ 

    • That means he thinks for himself and also shows intellect and humour, both qualities abhorrent to sectarian hoodlums.  Hence they and their crackpot cleric buddies have ‘reported him to the West Java Police,’ said the FPI Gauleiter, after holding a meeting at the residence of the Royal Prince, Moch Qodiran.



     Cirebon Palace


    HRH seems to understand civility rather better than the IslamoNazis. He ‘regretted the attitude’ of these organizations. According to him, the palace is open to anyone, including Dedi Mulyadi.

    “We called Mr. Dedi Mulyadi, it should be appreciated, not prevented. The FPI’s problem is a private matter which should not be brought into the palace.” said Patih Qodiran.

    But the bigots don’t recognise other people’s rights to conduct themselves as they see fit. 

    “We will use a variety of ways, to prevent the presence of Dedi Mulyadi,” said Dede.

    That’s despite a request from the palace spokesman that the FPI should not disturb the community…“If there are those who do not like this, just don’t come!”


    As a monarchist (not uncritical – I deplore that Brunei geezer Clean Up The Commonwealth – Kick Benighted Brunei Out! I find it encouraging that the sultans and rajas in Indonesia reflect traditional conservative values here, religious tolerance in particular, and show admirable resistance to the radical Islamist menace.

    Cirebon’s a good example.



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