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  • ross1948 00:09 on March 3, 2018 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: 100000 alien voters, Clinton V Trump, , Tapper CNN, ,   

    A HUNDRED THOUSAND Aliens Voting In ONE US State!?! 

    CNN anchor Jake Tapper issued perhaps the strongest condemnation yet of President Donald Trump’s baseless claims of voter fraud on Tuesday. 


    Hasil gambar untuk cnn tapper

    Smarmy leftist Tapper

    Jake Tapper: CNN anchor condemns Trump’s baseless voter fraud 

    Trump has insisted his popular-vote loss in November’s election was because of millions of illegal ballots cast for his opponent, Democrat Hillary Clinton…



    Remember the strident ranting among the fake news media, orchestrated denunciations, like CNN’s, of Donald Trump’s concerns over aliens, illegal or otherwise, voting for Clinton?


    Lawsuit: 100,000 noncitizens registered to vote in Pennsylvania…

    ….Pennsylvania officials wouldn’t respond to the lawsuit, nor to the 100,000 noncitizen number.


    • Ben Baniek 10:11 on March 4, 2018 Permalink | Reply

      Truth can set us free.
      With over ten million illegals it has to be true that a helluva lot of them managed to vote in states that make it easy for them to do that Trump is right, as usual.


  • ross1948 19:48 on November 21, 2017 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , Clinton V Trump, , , Lindner, , , , Ulrike Hermann   

    Ach, Herr Lindner! Mama Stasi Totters, Left Shrills At FDP! 

    I tuned into Deutsche Welle on Monday night, to see what they had to say about the collapse of the coalition talks.


    • ========
    • After watching this week’s episode of The Walking Dead, it seemed appropriate to learn if Mama Stasi Merkel would lurch into a minority government in the foul embrace of the Greens…



    …whom DW has daintily taken to describing not as far-left, which they are, but as ‘environmentalist,’ as if they’re all about saving whales rather than importing uncivilised aliens.



    There was a talk show on the issue, and a grisly old bat (no, not Mama!) snarled her fury at Herr Lindner-


    Even the other ( non-right) guests evinced amazement.


    Hasil gambar untuk taz ulrike herrmann

    Bilious pinko Ulrike Hermann


    I didn’t get her name at the time but being a diligent chap, I searched, and lo, found not only Ulrike Hermann’s pic but also the DW link to the ‘special edition of Quadriga…’



    … so you can confirm my account of her bilious hatred for the FDP for yourselves.

    The leader of the Free Democrats has never said anything that could be construed as ‘racist’ or even ‘populist’ or ‘nationalist’ or even ‘conservative.’


    Gambar terkait


    But that he could Sink the Bitch, or even just present possibilities of ending her malign reign, was enough to make him a hate-figure to Ulrike, The Livid Witch.

    Bizarre, ja?

    But today I wondered if this hateful refrain of hers might now be the required song-sheet for Germany’s Enemy Within.

    I headed for the obvious place to find out what’s the right thing for Lefts to shrill this week.

    Sure enough, they’re all at it.

    The Leftal’s own reporter gasps that Lindner’s move threw a new light…on his hardening stance against Green demands, notably to allow more refugees to reunite with their families. 


    The media joined in, with the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung daily accusing him of vote-hunting among voters “who have turned their backs on the CDU and Angela Merkel but couldn’t bring themselves to vote AfD…”


    while the Sueddeutsche Zeitung noted that Merkel’s sister party, the CSU had complained of being “overtaken on the right” by the traditionally liberal FDP on the refugee issue.

    The Suddeutsche Zeitung even compared Lindner to Austria’s Sebastian Kurz, who is  – -if things go well –  ready to coalesce with the Austrian patriot party, the FPO, echoing the Green leader Cem Ozdemir, who rants that “the FDP has been looking a bit too much at Austria recently, and not enough at Germany…”

    Kurz may or may not be reliable…

    Can Kurz Turn The Crimmigrant Tide Within A Month? 

    …but he is infinitely better than Merkel.

    I think it’s going to get worse for Lindner, who is no nationalist, but is learning fast what happens, the kind of mindless abuse that boils over when you obstruct an evil woman exalted by the Left.



    It’s called The Trump Treatment.

    • jerry Jerman 22:02 on November 21, 2017 Permalink | Reply

      Now you understand how bad it is in Germany/
      When the Liberal Party FDP is called racist for only saying we need t stop unlimited crimmigration then we know that the far left will silence us all if they can..


  • ross1948 17:43 on August 20, 2017 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , Clinton V Trump, , , , , , ,   

    Erdolf Echoes Mama’s Arrogance! How Dare She Whine? 

    Mein Gott!

     “The mosques are our barracks, the domes our helmets, the minarets our bayonets and the faithful our soldiers.” 


    Erdogan tells German Turks not to vote for Angela Merkel

    Erdolf has gone too far!




    Merkel sharply rebuked his remarks, rejecting Erdogan’s “meddling” and pointing out that “German voters, including the ones with Turkish background, have a right to vote freely.”  http://www.dw.com/en/erdogan-tells-german-turks-not-to-vote-for-angela-merkel/a-40149680

    No fan of Turkey’s Islamist bigot leader, but I don’t see how he can stop anyone voting freely. He’s simply making good use of the disloyalty of large numbers of ethnic Turks in Germany…

    Deutsche Welle: ‘Many Turkish hearts in Germany beat for Erdogan 

    …which we have known about for a long time.

    Deplorable – but how dare Merkel complain?



    She has NEVER hesitated to interfere in other country’s elections. Her arrogance goes back years…

    Angela Merkel announced she would help campaign for French President Nicolas Sarkozy’s bid for re-election.’

    Fuhrerin Merkel Sticks Nose into France, Jackboot into Greece

    …but was demonstrated again just a few months ago, when she, along with other members of the Brussels in-crowd…



    …openly swaggered into French politics, shrilling for Macron and dissing his opponent, Marine Le Pen.

    As for her red coalition comrade, Sigmar Gabriel  – aka Der Dicke, Fatso…


    …he too was quick to hit back at the Turkish leader.

     “That is an unprecedented act of interference in the sovereignty of our country...  https://www.thelocal.de/20170818/erdogan-tells-turks-in-germany-not-to-vote-for-enemies-of-turkey-in-merkels-government



    German Economy Minister Sigmar Gabriel has branded leading U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump a threat to peace and prosperity

    German minister calls Trump a threat, Merkel lauds Clinton | Reuters

    Merkel’s hypocrisy is as boundless as Gabriel’s.

    “We will not stand for any kind of interference,” she said from a Friday campaign event in Herford, northwest Germany.


    Like this?


    Meddling Euro-Fuhrers Tell French What MUST Be Done! 

    As for the Green Party…

    …it’s far left and pro-crimmigrant – a natural partner for Merkel’s CDU and Fatso’s SPD.

    The Green co-leader,  Özdemir, also carries a whiff of hypocrisy about him, for he condemns the imposition of authoritarian rule in Turkey, whence his family comes, yet has not, so far as I know, EVER disowned anti-democratic declarations, generally from the SPD….

    Hitler’s SPD Heirs – ‘Media Must Gag Critics of Crimmigration!’ 


    ‘Himmler’ Maas Calls On Secret Police to Undermine Patriots! 

    …but never disowned by Merkel, in whose government they serve and whom, when speaking in a ministerial capacity, they  represent.

    I agree with Erdolf, a rare occasion!

    Germans should abhor those three parties, pied pipers on the road to ruin.


    But I doubt he’ll agree with me, when I once more recommend the patriot party, the AfD!



    • jerry Jerman 01:35 on August 21, 2017 Permalink | Reply

      She now protests because Erdogan is doing what she did to France and yes she is a hypocrite but also a coward..
      She has no courage to tell the Turks to go home if they feel like Turks and not Germans
      If they have Turk passport besides German passport that means they cannot be trusted in this crisis.
      We need people loyal to our country with loyalty undivided.


    • Jeanne 18:47 on August 21, 2017 Permalink | Reply

      She is audacious with her hypocriisy.
      How many time have she and her Brussels companions told people in France and in Austria how they must vote .
      I think I like Erdogan better.because he is bad but not a coward like Merkle.


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