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  • ross1948 17:32 on April 9, 2017 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , Coptic Christian, , , , Palm Sunday   

    On Palm Sunday In Egypt, Christians Murdered By Evil Islamists 

    After the atrocity in Westminster, there was another in Russia. And another in Sweden.

    Today, we hear of twenty plus innocents in the small Egyptian city of Tanta, near Alexandria, brutally killed, no doubt by Islamist pigs consumed with sectarian hatred.


    • Like their less lethal, but just as loathesome, counterparts here in Indonesia, of whom I wrote a couple of years ago, when another Christian holy day was obscenely blighted…

    Christ’s Ascension Day – Islamist Savages Pelt Congregation With Sewage, Urine and Rocks 

    …those Egyptian Islamist swine are devoid of humanity and of common decency – though having visited Egypt, I know most Egyptians, of all creeds, like most Indonesians of all creeds, are not at all like that, far from it!

    So let’s remember the martyred Egyptians, too, when Swedes hold their minute’s silence.



    • Melian 02:19 on April 10, 2017 Permalink | Reply

      Thanks to you for this your words of remembrance.
      Egypt is may be not so kind as when you were visiting.
      The ISIL is killing so many Copts and the government cannot help even when it wants to.
      Pray for us please. .


    • Karen Tyfel 21:15 on April 10, 2017 Permalink | Reply

      Nothing is sacred to those who serve evil.


  • ross1948 18:05 on May 22, 2016 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , Coptic Christian, , , , , , , , , , , , ,   

    EuroNews Biased Snout – Deep In Tax-Payers’ Pockets! 




    Euronews is the European Union’s biggest media commitment, having received €240 million from Brussels since it launched in 1992 — with €25.5 million pouring into its coffers in 2014, a third of the network’s budget.


    This information is no secret, no whistle-blower needed to ferret it out, but rest assured those Europhiliac creeps who run the show in Lyons…

    EuroNews plush new fifty-million-euro HQ in Lyons – you can see why they have been rooting for that Green leftist in Austria’s election today.

    green party red


    …are not going to remind innocent viewers who pays their enormous salaries. 

    In response to one of our most articulate commenters, I undertook a little bit of research into where the biased broadcaster gets its cash.


    british money Yes, British tax-payers too!

    And sure enough, it turns out that, despite a millionaire buying nearly half the shares a year ago, the Euro-leeches have continued to dip their dirty snouts into the public purse.


    They’ve been using tax-payers’ money to pump out a steady stream of pro-Brussels propaganda, the most recent being only this day, and last week, and for years now.

    EuroNews, Byword for Bias, Exalts Clinton Slur on Patriots 

    No wonder that Strasbourg MEP’s last year declared they would try to block next year’s award if they detect any attempt by the new owner to influence its journalists…




    ….who are, after all, doing such diligent work for their common cause.

    The new owner who had them fretting, BTW, is a Coptic Christian from Egypt, an opponent of the Jew-hating Muslim Brotherhood. We had a look at him back then.

    Can Anti-Ikhwan Mogul Clean Up Euronews? 

    So far, he hasn’t been able to shift the slanted mingling of fact and prejudice that characterises EuroNews. We know he said he’d not interfere though we hoped he might.

    But the Strasbourg clique’s vapourings had a touch of farce about them.

    “It has to be made clear that there is absolute editorial autonomy.”


    This would be what? The sort of editorial independence the BBC has abused for fifty years?

     Will the BBC EVER Be Pro-British

    Bloody Back-Stabbing BBC – Helpful Tips For Illegal Immigrants! 

    Je Suis Pravda? BBC Won’t Call Paris Savages ‘Terrorists!’ 

    The sort of editorial independence that the Polish patriot government has tried to tackle? Over-paid Europhile hacks happily spouting their own left-liberal Europhile guff?

    abc treachery

    The sort of editorial independence Australia’s ABC displays?


    Of course these pinkos should have the right to express their anti-patriotic elitist opinions, but NOT if the public has to pick up the tab!

    What EuroNews has been doing with your money has been nothing short of disgraceful.

    By tomorrow morning we’ll see if their deliberate bias…Gruss Gott,Oesterreich! Please Deep-Freeze Demophobia!  …has managed to deliver a Green Left victory in Vienna.

    It’s getting late in the day here in Jakarta, so I won’t go on at length, but we’ll revisit this issue very soon. 


    • Pam Trevelyan 00:08 on May 23, 2016 Permalink | Reply

      Thank you,Ross,both for your kind words on my comments and for digging out this information.
      It may be true that it was not secret but I had no idea Euronews was on the take, so to speak, from the European Commission. I now understand why they feel a need to earn the money that the EU generously takes from our pockets and hands on to their mouthpiece!
      Complaining to them is surely a waste of time, but if we all complain to our MEPs then something might be done.
      I saw on another news channel that the Austrian election is ‘too close to call.’ I wonder if the media bias has had a role in that. I was confident that the nationalist candidate would win,
      The result is not due until tomorrow night so I must be patient.
      It’s time for tea here and then out for some leafletting for Brexit!


    • Chris Mallins 05:09 on May 23, 2016 Permalink | Reply

      This misuse of our money MUST be choked off immediately. Brussels rips Britain off for millions every month, but funding this Euronews as a channel for their propaganda just adds insult to injury.
      I am not in the habit of watching it but since you started raising a hue and cry I have spent a few hours each day watching it and you are right. They had a programme a few hours ago with one of their leftwing employees saying Boris Johnson had taken the Brexit debate to a ‘new low.’
      That’s not impartiality,that’s pure bias.


    • Donald Stuart 00:47 on May 25, 2016 Permalink | Reply

      You did well to bring this to public attention. But now we have to ask, what’s the best way to stop them taking our money and wasting it on salaries for Euronews’s Lord Haw-Haw clones.
      I’m writing to my MEP, but he’s not Ukip so I don’t think he’ll be of much help.


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