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  • ross1948 15:05 on July 28, 2020 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , Corona quarantine, ,   

    Rats On The Run! No Excuse Now, Italy, For Failure To Deport! 

    Just watched Euronews at 3.45pm Jakarta time, and heard that in Italy not one but two batches of illegal aliens had ‘broken out’ of quarantine detention – nearly SEVEN HUNDRED crimmigrant scumbags, defying the law of the land they invaded.



    That cur Conte, it’s reported, has ordered the army to intervene, not to operate an overdue ‘stop or be shot’ policy, but to police those recaptured until they are parcelled out to blight other blameless Italian communities all over the country.

    These swine get ashore, then brazenly defy Italian law, putting everyone around them at risk of plague?


    They are the plague!

    What possible excuse does Conte have have for not chaining them together in warehouses or disused barns until an offshore container vessel is commandeered, to be filled with lawless parasites until it’s teeming with evil ingrates, ready to ship them back to Tunisia, whence they came.

    More of this later.

  • ross1948 17:49 on May 2, 2020 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: Corona quarantine, cuomo cnn, Cuomo liar, , ,   

    Cuomo, CNN’s Rabid Cur, Adds To His Infamy! 

    That Andrew Cuomo has been making a name for himself as New York governor, but if he is planning a run for the presidency, either in 2024 or sooner, if Groper Biden is brought down by scandal…


    ‘Honestly, boss, I’m as truthful as you are…’

    Biden-Servile NYT’s Nadir Of Partisan Self-Abasement 

    …he’d best divest himself of his mendacious and mentally unstable brother.


    Story image for chris cuomo antifa from RealClearPolitics

    Kermit Cuomo

    Kermit, as we used to call him, because of his frog-like face…


    …or Fredo, the nickname he acquired from his uncontrollable violent temper, so simpatico with his beloved crimmigrants..

    CNN – So Cuomo’s OK With Stoning US Troops?!? 

    ..and with the Red Nazi Antifa hoodlums he admires…

    CNN’s Chris Cuomo Defends Antifa: Attacks On Police, Journalists


    ..or, as of this week…



    …Pinnochio, a new nickname which one hopes will be soon bestown on him after his latest virus-crisis Big Lie….

    …which you need to read all about, right here…



  • ross1948 22:28 on April 23, 2020 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: Aleksandar Vulin, Bludger Break-outs, Corona quarantine, Defence Minister Vulin, Александар Вулин, gunfire, ,   

    Gunfire In Serbia! Migrant Savages Stage Break-Outs! 

    How many of YOUR media covered the mass break-outs – yes, not one but two – in Serbia, one on Monday, so serious that armed forces personnel…



    …on duty to enforce the quarantine, had to use their fire-arms – ‘shooting in the air in a bid to stop’ the migrant savages escaping.

    One batch of defiant crimmigrants staged their insurrection near Belgrade. The other break-out bid occurred near the Croatian border.

    Serbia’s Defense Minister Aleksandar Vulin is very much a socialist, and, looking back on his record, I find much to disagree with…

    Aleksandar Vulin-mc.rs.jpg
    Aleksandar Vulin
    Александар Вулин

    …but this week, let’s all congratulate the man on this admirable declaration –

    “When you try to break the law everyone will be stopped by the corresponding use of force!”



    Hear, hear!

    Now let’s ask why these upstart arrogant aliens got almost no coverage in Western media.

    No news value?

    Ungrateful primitives…

    ….snouts deep in free board and lodging, turning nasty to the extent that Serbian soldiers had to open fire?

    A story we all need to read, surely.

    But if the stout Serbs’s readiness to face down the fake-refugees became widely known, there’s a real risk that people in Germany, Italy…



    …and elsewhere in Europe, might start asking why their leaders are not talking the kind of sense we hear from Serbia’s Minister Vulin!

    • Amanda Adams 23:52 on April 23, 2020 Permalink | Reply

      It’s only a shame that the troops aimed high.


    • Jeanne 00:35 on April 24, 2020 Permalink | Reply

      After so many nights of rioting by the non-French in France, I wish strongly for gunfire in the streets of Paris to bring the trash under control.


    • Keith Milner 12:18 on April 24, 2020 Permalink | Reply

      A bit of gunfire is what’s needed.


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