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  • ross1948 07:34 on November 20, 2017 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , 'gay-straight alliances', , , , , , , Jason Kenney,   

    Could Kenney Save Canada? 

    I have always had a lot of time for Jason Kenney, who has been telling important truths for years.




    It had long seemed to me that he was the natural successor to Harper when the Canadian Tories had to find a new leader, but he opted to pursue a provincial career.



    Certainly Alberta is currently in such a cultural marxist quagmire that one can understand why he felt there was a need for somebody to wade into the battles there.

    In a brief hopeful moment a few years ago, it looked like the Wildrose Party might come to power but their leadership began flip-flopping on key issues of principle.

    Alberta’s Shame, as Tories, Wildrose, Flirt with ‘Pride!” 

    The ultimate outcome was a near-lunatic left regime in Edmonton, exemplified by the disgraceful legislation passed this month, a declaration of war on parents’ rights…

    …dedicated to the vile ‘gay-straight alliances,’ a foul framework devised by anti-family ideologues –Bill 24 prevents Alberta schools from notifying parents if their child joins a GSA.



    In the one province which had always seemed a bastion of traditional decencies, this shameful assault on the basic parental prerogative of guiding the moral standards of their children went through the legislature by 42 votes to 23.


    Kenney came out swinging against the idea of the legislation months ago, saying parents should know what their kids are doing in school unless the parents are abusive. 



    After it was introduced, he argued Bill 24 stomped on parents’ rights. He also accused the government of using the bill to thwart the School Act — to allow sensitive subjects to be taught without parental permission. 


    Now decent people in Alberta have to wait until the next provincial election before they may expect deliverance from  this repugnant law, which does nothing to steer youngsters away from aberrant life-styles but rather exalts such maladjustment to parity of esteem with normality.

    So Kenney has his work cut out on his home patch.

    But once redemption is achieved in Alberta?

    Patriots across the Dominion are in uproar over Justin Turdo’s readiness to let thousands of undesirables flow in from across the American border.

    Nor is it just the new wave of  illegals but almost every aspect of Turdistan – – that’s alarming!

    Kenney, in contrast, when he held the immigration portfolio, did sterling work…

    …as we reported at the time.



    • Arnold 15:25 on November 20, 2017 Permalink | Reply

      I like Kenney.


    • Marty Nagel 21:09 on November 20, 2017 Permalink | Reply

      Kenney was one of the Harper team’s best and yes I wish he could have stayed in Ottawa but we have got to make do with the Opposition we got there for now.
      Anybody will get my support who can get Turdo out.


  • ross1948 16:23 on March 11, 2015 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , Bill C-51, , , Jason Kenney, , , , ,   

    Obscene Justin Turdo Grubs For Disloyal Sectarian Votes! 

    That Turdo is arguably worse than his communist father.


    I never thought I’d be driven to compare Pierre Elliot favourably with anyone – except maybe Charles Manson – but what else are we to make of this latest rant, described accurately by Jason Kenney as ‘obscene.’

    There are, in Canada as elsewhere, good Muslims and bad ones. The former are exemplified by the MCC, decent loyal citizens happy to live in a country where backward shariah codes are not the law of the land.  logo

    Muslim Canadian Congress  TORONTO – The Muslim Canadian Congress (MCC) has sharply criticized Liberal leader Justin Trudeau for endorsing Canada’s leading Islamist group, the Islamic Society


    The MCC is 100% Canadian – no sexist inheritance laws, no polygamy, no compulsory shrouding of women..and most of all, no poisonous whining that allegiance to sectarian supranational ideology trumps their duty as Canadian citizens to put Queen and Country first.

    • devil destroyed sectarian savagery
    •  And then there are their glaring opposites, barbarous brutes who support jihad, clothe their women in mediaeval baghead gear…



    …and are basically enemies within to any society fool enough not to deport them. 

    Defence and multiculturalism minister Jason Kenney is hitting back at Justin Trudeau after the Liberal party leader accused the Conservative government of stoking fear and prejudice against Muslim Canadians.   https://ca.news.yahoo.com/blogs/canada-politics/trudeau-s-toronto-speech–obscene—says-multiculturalism-minister-kenney-150427737.html

    The only people ‘stoking fear’ against Canadian Muslims are those mentioned above, the enemy within, whose first loyalty is to the international ummat. They are not fit to live in civilised countries.


    Decent loyal Muslims are all too often blamed wrongly for the intolerant Islamist ignoramuses who, when Canada’s armed services are fighting savage jihadists, favour the alien cause. 


    “It is a cruel joke to claim you are liberating people from oppression by dictating in law what they can and cannot wear,” Trudeau said.

    Is he thinking only of the next election?

    “Very Tall Figure – Full Islamic Burka – Voted 3 Times!” 


    Rabid-Dog-for-OS Turdo likens Canadians to dogs


    “Fear is a dangerous thing,” he continued. “Once stoked, whether by a judge from the bench or a prime minister with a dog whistle, there is no way to predict where it will end.”

    A dog whistle? Where have we heard that trite tripe before? 

    ‘Dirty Dogs?’ That’s How Pinkos View Democracy! 

    The use of the phrase is a give-away, a hall-mark of elitist contempt for the democratic process.

    elite arrogance-s

    It would appear that Turdo is stirring it up because  he doesn’t like the Government’s Bill C-51 anti-terror legislation.

    The report reminds us solemnly that the government has also used menacing images of Jihadis in attempts to rally support around the bill, which saw the first of nine days of study at a parliamentary committee on Tuesday, on social media and through email pitches.

    Well, Harper and Co won’t have difficulty finding suitable images- just use the evil scum who murdered blameless Canadian soldiers in Ottawa and Quebec.

    castro-trudeau-neanderthal Turdo Senior, with blood-thirsty tyrant Castro


    And if they want a good image to remind Canadians of where Turdo Junior gets his sickening taste for encouraging supranational totalitarian causes, here we are! And recall how Turdeau Senior spent the Second World War, the treasonous sonofabitch. 

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