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  • ross1948 16:08 on January 11, 2020 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , , false accusation, , Minister Alma Zadic, national identity, Zadic   

    Scurrilous Abuse? Green ‘Hate’ Biter Bitten! 

    Interesting case of the biter bit in Austria, where a minister in the new coalition government got the whine chorus stirred up about ‘hate speech’ against her on ‘social media.’

    Unfortunately, the BBC fails completely to offer examples of what’s got her so alarmed.

    One hopes it’s not just an excuse for self-serving publicity, like the now thankfully almost forgotten Fourth Reich Fan…

    Shrill Soubry Should Get Out Of The Kitchen!

    Image result for soubry

    Brexit – Shrill Soubry Pants For Stalin-Style Purge! 

    ….Shrill Soubry, in the UK.

    The woman, Ms. Zadic by name, should not be targetted merely for her country of origin.

    That kind of malice is unreasonable!

    If an immigrant to a country makes clear her, or his, unconditional allegiance to her new homeland, she or he is qualified to serve her new homeland.

    End of story?

    Not quite!

    Zadic is described as both a Green and a lawyer, ‘specialising in human rights.’ the latter alone being grounds for distaste…


    …and the former no better.

    But on the question of her indivisible loyalty to Austria…



    …that basic requirement certainly seems compromised by her own words.

    She rejects the notion that individuals should choose a single identity. “It was diverse New York that showed me I could be simultaneously a female Austrian, Bosnian and European,” she told the news.at website.’

    Not good enough!

    If she’s a minister in the Austrian government, she should be absolutely crystal clear that her days of being Bosnian are behind her.

    As for ‘European,’ that may be construed as a cultural reference, but does she mean that her allegiance is not just to her country but to the EUSSR?



    We can’t say for sure, but if her outlook was formed  – as she herself said – ‘in diverse New York,’ a milieu notorious for decadence, cosmopolitanism and multicult, then patriotic Austrians would be wise to beware.

    But my headline today refers to her yelps about being the victim of scurrilous abuse, while at the same time owing – what?

    damages of €700 (£595; $777), which a court ordered her to pay over a photo she had posted on the internet. A young man in the photo denied that he was pictured giving a Nazi salute – he said he had simply been waving to fraternity friends. Ms Zadic had captioned it: “no tolerance for neo-Nazis, fascists and racists.”

    A hateful slur against an innocent young man?

    She’s appealing – the court case, that is.

    Her whines,however, are NOT appealing to a lot of Austrians!


    • Blaine Cliffe 17:22 on January 11, 2020 Permalink | Reply

      If she’s serious about saying she’s not just Austrian but also Bosnian, she should not be a minister in the Austrian Government.
      No room for dual loyalties.
      From my reading of the BBC story, she is another of these intolerant liberals and Chancellor Kurz will have cause to regret getting in bed with the Greens.


  • ross1948 10:40 on June 28, 2016 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , , , , , Laurent Joffrin, , , , , national identity   

    Voulez Vous Exit Avec Moi, La Belle France? 

    “Europe is a common home that is on fire,” said Laurent Joffrin of France’s left-leaning daily Liberation. 


    Well, some of it is!

    REPORT: Migrants Burn Down Asylum Centre After Not Receiving Ramadan Wake Up Call

    But that particular sort of arson is down to Mama Stasi Merkel’s importation of ungrateful arrogant primitives, of whom Joffrin’s President Hollande has shamelessly agreed to bring thousands into France, another kow-tow to Merkel never yet put to any French referendum.




    But back to  Joffrin.

    “Workers across the continent don’t believe in it anymore. They are turning towards their national identities as the only credible rampart against the excesses of globalisation.”

    OF COURSE, in a crisis, people ‘turn to their national identities.’  That’s wiser, and more wholesome, than divisive, selfish,  class-war ideologies or disloyal sectarianism.

    So a rare bit of realism from a French lefty. 



    Yet instead of drawing the obvious conclusion, lots of Continental pinkos are lining up to shore up the supranational Tower of Babel.

    The only real sense emerging from France comes, not unusually, from Marine Le Pen, who has called for a referendum, only to be dissed by the lame-duck in the Elysee Palace.



    I was watching France 24 a day or two ago as she describes her brief meeting with the hapless Hollande, during which, when she raised the outrageous idea of giving the citizens of their country a chance to decide the issue of a Frexit, he reacted as if she’d used foul language!


    • bb360-12965009_1713452952260093_1075105851_n
    • ——————
    • That of course has been the rotten elite’s stance since the last time France’s people got to vote on ‘Europe,’ when they rejected the absurd ‘European Project.’ They were promptly snubbed by the political establishment, who have never let them express their preferences on Brussels rule via any ballot box since.

    However, back then, people didn’t have the redoubtable lady around to champion democratic principles, who has now warned France’s Enemy Within.

    “Victory for Freedom. Europe will be at the heart of the next presidential election!”

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