Trump Tells Danes To Allow ISIS Vermin Back? Really?

Denmark may have to accept return of Isis militants: report

Hasil gambar untuk Claus Hjort Frederiksen

Statements made by Defence Minister Claus Hjort Frederiksen suggest that Denmark may be required to accept the return of citizens who have fought for the group.

That’s outrageous!

There’s no capital punishment there, so no prospect whatsoever of the filthy jihadist vermin getting what they deserve.



Besides the moral issue, it’s very hard to see, passports or not, how these rape-gang scum can be described as ‘Danes,’ which The Leftal aka The Local, does.

They pledged allegiance to the satanic caliphate – their ideology requires them to put sectarian solidarity above duty to any country.

What is especially disturbing about this report, however, is that Minister Frederiksen spoke on the issue after a meeting between countries taking part in a military coalition against Isis, including Denmark.


The United States reportedly made it clear it would prefer home countries of the militants to take them back.

WHY would Donald Trump, who has, quite rightly, warned ISIS against any incursions into the USA, give his subordinates such an offensive message to pass on to the Allies?

It hasn’t gone down well, at least as far as Denmark’s concerned. Frederiksen says he would prefer them to go on trial in the countries where their crimes were committed.

“They have beheaded people, raped women and children and sold people. For me, it is paradoxical for those militants to now claim Western norms regarding protection of rights.”

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“I think it’s pathetic for those people to ask to be given the safety in Western countries that they so despicably wanted to defeat.”

If these politicians had implemented the sensible plan I put forward months ago…

ISIS Rape-Gang Deserve Deguello! 

…simply putting a bullet or two into the ISIS swine whenever they fell into Allied hands…-

– with possible exception made for those with valuable info and/or ready to make public denunciations of the disgraceful Islamist doctrine that loyalty to co-religionists trumps loyalty to one’s country-

…then nobody would be wasting time on this incomprehensible debate!

Incomprehensible? Or not?

Has President Trump been kept in the dark by Tillerson and the Deep State Department?



POTUS wisely wants to keep Gitmo open for business, the vermin confined in the Caribbean and not anywhere on the Continental USA.

So why should he expect his allies in Europe to do things differently?

The bizarre answer from the man in Copenhagen is that the Syrian coalition partners…an alliance of predominantly Kurdish forces, should not be left with sole responsibility for dealing with the issue.

“We must not let down an ally by trying to leave everything at their door…

The Kurds would be the ideal people to take charge of the ISIS savages.

After all, they are facing invasion and need target practice for their fight against Erdolf’s aggression.