BBC Quietly Conceals Geekstapo News Suppression!

We know already that Dirty Dorsey’s Twitter is in bed with Beijing…

Twitter’s Lady In Red – Dorsey’s New Censoress? 

…..and that my own excision from Facebook…


…has been extended a thousandfold by Zuckwit’s Geekstapo to encompass truths galore from so many sources not on their ideological wave-length…

Facebook’s Hate-Freaks – Exposed! 


….but the massive manoeuvres by both those (anti-) social media behemoths to suppress the Big Biden Scandal are so bare-faced as to defy description.



So although it’s certainly a HUGE news story, I won’t try to describe it, leaving it to readers to use the links at the bottom of the page.

Fascinating stuff, like how Facebook’s Comrade Spokesperson Andy Stone is a veteran Democrat apparatchik!


….having just watched the BBC World News ( 9am Jakarta time) I will try to describe my feelings about UK Pravda’s news-suppression in regard to the latest abuse by the Big Tech bigots of their power to use a jackboot on news they fear will harm their chosen candidate.