Worboys Deserves Death – Hardwick Deserves Dismissal!

John Worboys.


This pig is named John Worboys.

He’s a vicious serial rapist and if the UK were not a sick society he’d have been put down for his heinous crimes. Instead, he was sent to prison for an indefinite period.

After only eight years, he’s out…


 The chairman of the Parole Board, Nick Hardwick.


….thanks to THIS simpering swine, whose name is Nick  Hardwick.

John Worboys release: parole chief sorry for failure to tell victims


He has yet to give ANY explanation for the scandalous release of a dangerous predator by the Parole Board, of which he’s chairman.

Gambar terkait

He claims he’s bound by rules from telling the pig’s victims why it’s been unleashed, and that may well be the case.

But that’s not why he should be fired, along with every single member of his board. Their dismissal is appropriate because there is NO conceivable excuse for letting Worboys roam British streets ever again.

If their decision results in Worboys committing any other crime, they should be in the dock alongside the accused.

Any guilt proven against him should be shared fully with those who put him in a position to prey on people.

What do you think? Tell me if you like, but more importantly…


The Parole Board for England and Wales
52 Queen Anne’s Gate

Contact form https://www.gov.uk/par…