Turdo/Castro Axis – Still Cosy After All These Years

Remember this infamous photo…




…of two utterly evil men extolling each other as well as totalitarian marxism?

That’s the murderous Cuban tyrant Fidel Castro, with the late and unlamented Pierre Turdo, Canada’s worst Prime Minister.

communism tyranny

The appalling Turdo romped around Havana yelling ‘Viva Fidel Castro,’ callously ignoring the plight of the Cuban people, who were denied every right that Canadians took for granted, free speech, free elections, free labour unions, a long list indeed.

Both ratbags are dead and gone, but Castro’s heirs continue to deny Cubans their democratic rights…

France24- Correct On Colombia Vote, Skips Key Cuba Truth! 

…while the Canadian swine’s offsprings is evidently displaying possibly his only virtue, filial piety, the duty of a son to uphold what his sire stood for, as we read that a group of Canadian diplomats who left the embassy in Cuba after suffering unusual health symptoms say their foreign ministry has abandoned them, the Globe and Mail newspaper reported on Monday.

Unlike the USA, which recalled most of its diplomatic staff from the Havana Embassy months ago, and warned its citizens not to travel to the island, after what it described as “sonic attacks…” 



….Justin Turdo, known for his squalid sympathy with the communist regime, has said very little about the matter in public and did not appear to be making their case a priority. Getting specialized medical care has been difficult, they added…   https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/nov/19/abandoned-canadian-diplomats-government-response-cuba-illness

When even leftist media like the Toronto Globe and Mail, and in the UK the Guardian, are reporting that several of those affected believe Ottawa has said little in public because it wants to maintain friendly relations with Cuba…


…it reeks of ‘like father, like son’ – surely time for decent Canadians to start raising hell about Junior’s disgusting determination to be as brazen as his sire in his collaboration with communism.