Racist Democrats Champion Illegals!

Last Wednesday evening, I thoroughly enjoyed a night out in downtown Jakarta.

I’d just returned from an all too short overseas jaunt which had refreshed me greatly, and felt I deserved even more fun….



…and my fellow-revellers included folks of most imaginable skin-shades and geographical provenances. We ate, drank and mingled agreeably, as normal people do.

It would be hard to imagine any gathering less susceptible to ‘racism.’

If I were to form a political or sports or social club with membership restricted to people of a specific race, colour or ethnic origin…


Gambar terkait


…then my numerous critics could fairly play the ‘racist’ card.

So what about that strange little chap, Representative Joaquin Castro (D-Texas) who proudly chairs the ‘Congressional Hispanic Caucus?’


Image result for joaquin castro

Joaquin Castro


Such a body is only meaningful if it excludes non-Hispanics.

I understand there is a similarly discriminatory body which excludes white legislators, and it’s called the ‘Congessional Black Caucus.’

It presumably includes the source of this viciously racist outburst –


“We don’t need any more brown faces that don’t want to be a brown voice,” she added. “We don’t need any more black faces that don’t want to be a black voice.” https://www.theblaze.com/news/liz-cheney-bashes-ayanna-pressley-racism

So you can be black but still unwelcome –  if you’re the wrong kind of black, namely one of the many black American patriots who refuse to be racialised by bigots like Ayanna Pressley?

Again, a report from Canada springs to mind, where Scheer’s fake ‘Conservative’ Party purged a patriotic Muslim candidate…

The Wrong Kind Of Muslim? Salim Vetoed By Truthophobic Tories! 

…because he was not a jihadist fanatic.

Is it not sad that these members of congress – elected with a duty to represent ALL constituents, all the American people in their congressional districts, regardless of race, creed or colour –  should seek to racialise their role in such a blatant, offensive way?

Do they identify only with that hopefully slim percentage of their electorate which screamed with indignation…

Booed By Racist Mob For Saying “White Lives Matter,” Democrat U-Turns ASAP 

…when a few years ago a white candidate dared to suggest that not just black lives but ALL lives matter.

Contemplating their racism again reminded me of the imbecilic racism that has arisen in Canada in recent years…


       Hasil gambar untuk black students cpr york toronto

Canadian campus racist poster


I am not aware of any ‘White Anglo-Saxon Congressional Caucus’ that bars black, brown or yellow people who might, improbably, wish to join.

Not Welcome! Doormat

Any such racist ‘caucus’ would attract furious disapproval, quite properly.

When I was an elected member of a local authority council, it would not have occurred to me to portray myself as being in office to serve only ‘white’ citizens (not least because my Ulster-Scots skin is no whiter than that of NYC’s Miss A.O.C.!)


Castro, whose brother is currently seeking the presidential nomination of the Media-Democrat Party, caught my attention this week because he has proclaimed that ‘words matter,’ as indeed they do.

Yet what Castro means by that phrase is that words he dislikes, true or not, should never be used.

He’s just proposed a law to excise the words illegal alien” as well as “alien” from the U.S. government’s legal code. https://www.theblaze.com/news/democratic-congressman-introduces-measure-to-abolish-the-term-illegal-alien-words-matter

Well, it might pass in Pelosi’s House of Representatives, but it won’t pass the Senate.

But if it did, Castro would be in a position to boast that he had finally aligned the Federal Government with the misrepresentation of reality already imposed on Americans by the leftists who run Associated Press (and CNN, etc., etc. – the whole Media-Democrat propaganda rats-nest.

Referring to “illegal immigration,” but not saying “illegal immigrants” or “undocumented.”



By coincidence, I got a copy of this, below, sent to me, as I was about to sign off on this. It amply demonstrates that vile race ranters like Pressley are NOT representative of many good citizens who happen to be black.

Only Americans can contribute to American election candidates, of course, but I always have plenty of American readers, so – over to them!

The Democrats’ Worst Nightmare…
My Friend and Fellow Conservative,

There’s nothing Democrats fear more than outspoken Black conservatives exposing their Liberal LIES about “racist” conservatives to Black voters…

…but a popular Black, Christian conservative, Army combat veteran, and successful businessman like John James running for U.S. Senate is the Democrats’ worst nightmare.

I’m hoping you’ll endorse John James for U.S. Senate, but first let me explain why the Democrats are so terrified of him.

John James could be the next U.S. Senator from MichiganThe Democrats are gearing up for war, and they fully expect to retake the U.S. Senate this election.

But behind the scenes, they’re terrifiedthat John James is about to thwart their entire takeover plot.

And they have good reason to be afraid.

After all, they saw first-hand in last election what John is capable of — watching in horror as he soared from a 21-point deficit to just 7 points within a few short months.

Shocked that their supposedly “unbeatable” Senator was on the verge of losing to a “nobody” political outsider…

…the panicked Democrats were forced to dump over $15 million into slowing down John’s relentless surge just enough for well-known, deep-pocketed, and entrenched Democrat Senator Debbie Stabenow to narrowly squeak past.

John James won more votes (1.9 million) than ANY Republican in Michigan in over a decade.

The Democrats are terrified because they know that if John can nearly topple one of the most powerful Democrats in the U.S. Senate…

…then they don’t stand a chance against John James this election!

Rush Limbaugh says John is what everybody would hope for in a Senator “John James is what everybody would hope for in a Senator… He is the American Dream.”
– Rush Limbaugh

John is a successful, articulate, and intelligent Black conservative whose impeccable character is impossible for liberals to deface with slander and lies.

He’s a West Point graduate, Ranger-qualified aviation officer, and retired Army Captain who served with distinction while leading two Apache helicopter platoons in Iraq.

He’s also a successful businessman, having quadrupled his company’s revenue and added 100 new employees in his first 5 years as President.

And through each step of his journey, John has led with courage, conviction, and a servant-first mentality that comes from his Christian faith.

Will You Help Propel John James to the U.S. Senate? “I am a conservative who happens to be black. I’m in the Republican Party because the platform most aligns with my values. I am pro-life. I am pro-Second Amendment. I am pro-family. I am pro-business.”

John calls himself an “unapologetic Christian, pro-life, pro-business, pro-Second Amendment, conservative outsider” but Fox News and others are calling him “The future of the GOP.

“He’s SPECTACULAR. Rarely have I seen a candidate with such great potential. West Point graduate, successful businessman, and an African American leader… He will be a star.”
– President Donald Trump

And if this isn’t enough to make you want to help send John James to the U.S. Senate…

…let me tell you what scares the Democrats most about John James.

John is on a mission to reclaim Black voters by exposing the Liberal LIE that conservatives like you and me are racists.

He’s opening their eyes to the “Democratic brand of dependency that’s being peddled” by unmasking Democrats as opportunistic, self-serving politicians who prey on Blacks with lies, empty promises, and failed policies.

And John’s damning critiques of the Democrat Party and honest outreach to the Black Community are reclaiming Black voters to the Republican Party.

John James is a serious threat to the Democrat Party, and they know it!

To say the Democrats are panicking would be an understatement.

They know John can reclaim enough Black voters to convert Michigan from a long-standing Democrat stronghold into the newest “red state.”

And they know that winning a U.S. Senate race will catapult John to national stardom, guaranteeing that millions of Black voters across America will hear his powerful message and begin fleeing the Democrat Party.

Once elected, Senator John James will work tirelessly to:

 EXPOSE the Liberal Lies to the entire nation

 RECLAIM Black voters to the Republican Party

 END the Democrats’ death-grip on the Black Community

And Democrats know that if they lose just 12% of the Black vote, it’ll be impossible for them to ever win another election.

That’s why the Democrats are terrified of John James and WILL STOP AT NOTHING TO SHUT HIM UP

So won’t you endorse John James for U.S. Senate today?

Once I receive your endorsement, I’ll send it directly to John so he’ll know he has the full support of principled conservatives like you.

Along with your endorsement, I pray you’ll also make an urgent donation of $28, $40, $75, $250, $500, $1000 or more to help John FIGHT BACK against the Democrats’ vicious attacks!

Your donation will help run these “America Supports John James for U.S. Senate” billboards throughout Michigan:

Will you help propel John James to victory in this critical U.S. Senate race?

I need to send the deposit to secure the billboards WITHIN THE NEXT 10 DAYS, so I really need to know if I can count on your support.

John James really is “the future Republicans have been waiting for,” but that future may never arrive without your committed support.

As a conservative leader in your community, your endorsement and generous support are crucial to:

 Recruit more conservatives like you to endorse John

 Purchase billboards throughout Michigan supporting John

 Propel John to victory in this crucial Senate race

With Democrats funneling millions of dollars into attacks aimed at silencing this rising star before he can tear down their wall of lies…

…John is going to need the support of every patriot he can get!

So please sign your personal endorsement to John James and make an urgent contribution of $28, $40, $75, $250, $500, $1000 or more to beat back the Democrats’ attacks and propel John James to victory TODAY!

Thank you, and God Bless.

Alvin Williams, President     For America,
Alvin Williams
Alvin Williams

P.S. John James is the Democrats’ worst nightmare because he’s reclaiming Black voters to the Republican Party by exposing the Liberal LIES about “racist” conservatives that keep Blacks voting for Democrats…

…and he’s the only one Republican who can win this crucial Senate race and thwart their plans to retake the U.S. Senate this election.

That’s why they’ll stop at nothing to SHUT HIM UP!

So please sign your personal endorsement to John James today.

And with it, And when you do, I pray you’ll also make an urgent contribution of $28, $40, $75, $250, $500, $1000 or more to purchase billboards throughout Michigan supporting John James.

Your support is critical to beat back the Democrats’ vicious attacks and propel John James to victory, so please give what you can today.

Will you help propel John James to victory in this critical U.S. Senate race?

© Black America’s Political Action Committee

Paid for by Black America’s PAC. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee. Contributions are not tax deductible for income tax purposes. Federal law requires us to use our best efforts to collect and report the name, mailing address, occupation and name of employer of individuals whose contributions exceed $200 in a calendar year.