Fox Channel’s Lefty Lesby Soap – Anti-Deportation Drivel!

We looked at this subversive show before..

Fox’s ‘Lefty Lesbian Lawyer’ Show – ‘Proven Innocent!’ 

…and had the misfortune to chance upon it again on Monday.

This time much of the melodrama centred on a poor DACA ‘dreamer’ lad, wrongly convicted of murder…

…sure, such things might happen, but the dialogues!

Every bit of far-left effrontery about how wicked deportation is…



And when ICE popped in to grab the guy, the actors portraying law enforcement did their thespian best..


…to act with both arrogance and brutality.

I’d expect such hogwash on CNN…

Fox Broadcasting Company

…but Fox?

Time for Americans ( and other viewers, like me here in Jakarta!) to email Fox Channel…




…bombarding them with protests at pushing cr-ppy open-borders propaganda via what’s billed as entertainment.

I have been told it was cancelled after one season, but if that’s so, how come the airwaves are still being polluted.