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Who the HOLY HELL is this Anglican ass Andrew Foreshew-Cain?

  • Image result for andrew foreshew-cain lady margaret hall

Andrew Foreshew-Cain – \

His posture suggests he’s doing something strange, does it not?


Well, he’s a homo, for a start, which may explain his self-righteous bleating on behalf of a slimy undesirable who shares his sexual maladjustment.

Foreshew-Cain organised a show of support (backed by up to 400 clergy and lay members of the church) to declare their “profound unhappiness” that the London Diocese of the Church of England did something good, namely condemn the disgusting verbal diarrhoea which emanated from a dog-collared degenerate last week..


May be an image of 2 people and text that says 'R Jarel Robinson Brown Black Pro... @JarelRB The cult of Captain Tomisc of White British Nationalism. will offer prayers for the repose of his kind and generous soul, but will not be joining the "National Clap"'

Un-Frock This Slimy Race-Obsessed Cleric Cur! 

But there’s more to know about AF-C!

The first Anglican vicar to marry his gay partner, in defiance of Church of England rules, has been given a post as chaplain at an Oxford college run by a former editor of The Guardian.

Blacklisted gay vicar Andrew Foreshew-Cain works for Guardian’s Alan Rusbridger

Well, surprise, surprise!

Read the whole sordid saga here –

So no wonder the far-left Guardian is devoting so many column inches to the creep’s ludicrous ‘statement’ – a lengthy whine about ‘the deliberate and hateful way that Jarel’s tweet has been misconstrued and used to attack him in ways that are both racist and homophobic …


…This is a serious safeguarding issue.”

What the HOLY HELL is a ‘safeguarding issue?’

Is it a typo for a ‘safeguardian’ issue, or just a Guardian issue….

…because outside the ranks of the decadent left-pukes who comprise the Guardian’s readership, just about everyone who read Slimy’s tweet would dearly love to see him unfrocked.

You can respond to AF-C’s ranting via the Lady Margaret Facebook page, or use his college chapel contact email…

Transgender Pride Flag, LMH Chapel Logo and LGBTQ Flag

…yes, they’re as blatantly pro-pervert as that!

But as for Slimy..

…here’s a petition, doing well, I believe, demanding his dismissal.

One hopes its objective will be met.

Slimy could always ring up Rusbridger…

Alan Rusbridger 01.jpg

….and ask for a new frock from that rich and very well-connected leftist.

Oh, BTW, the Guardian does mention another aspect of Slimy Robinson-Brown’s existence – he is curate at All Hallows by the Tower, the oldest church in the City of London. His book, Black, Gay, British, Christian, Queer, will be published in July