Bon Jour, La Belle France!

Bastille Day!

France has a proud history, and good French people must resent attempts by disloyal elements, some of alien origin…

Vile ‘Rap’ Savage – More Foul Racism Against France – Jail Him! 

…..but others, shamefully, of thoroughbred Gallic ancestry, to denigrate their heritage.

One denigrator is Françoise Vergès, whose outlook may well have been poisoned by some years of study at UCLA Berkeley.

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Françoise Vergès

‘A political scientist and militant feminist,’ her mentality is reflected in her dismissal of Napoleon, who made France the most powerful nation in Europe, as “a racist, sexist, despot, militarist, and colonizer…”


Napoleon (1769-1821)

. …

She’s past retirement age but after reading a recent article in which she featured…

….I am sorry to say that plenty of young French people too are infected with similar, sicko, cultural marxist nonsense notions…



…BLM, ‘social justice’ guff and the inevitable rancid intolerance that goes with it…



….censorship of campus speakers whom they can’t best in debate and even all the ‘black-face’ hogwash.

However, France is fortunate in that it has a powerful resistance party…



…Marine Le Pen’s patriots of the National Rally.

Unlike Le Muppet Macron, who makes occasional cleverish noises, Marine is sound as a bell.

She is running for President next year, and many observers, even those hostile to her sensible agenda, reckon she is in with a chance.

Certainly, she’s the only candidate so far to talk sense on the key issues, which are inextricably linked…


….multicult migration (including fake-‘refugees’) and sectarian terrorism….

Brutal Paris Beheader A ‘Hero,’ Says Jakarta Fanatic! 

…France’s Enemy Within!

Today we wish France well, and to Marine as always, we say ‘Bon Chance’
