Metro TV’s Hate-Group Fan!

A number of readers have asked me about our post on Halal TV, and in particular about the cleric fan of the IslamoNazi FPI. In particular, which channel uses him.


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All good for a laugh, until we get to specifically religious programming, and the choice of clerics to host them, notably Ustad Arifin Ilham, pictured below with the infamous FPI Fuhrer, Habib Rizieq.

And it’s no accidental meeting either, because on the link provided, we learn that he has a high opinion of the IslamoNazi thug gang.

-Just a few months ago, February 16th, reported that Muhammad Arifin Ilham reiterated his support for the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI), by writing a statement on his Facebook account page on this day, Thursday (16/02/2012) which contains a statement of support for FPI and criticism of corrupt officials who support the secular media and disobedience and spread slander that the FPI are anarchistic….

In addition, Ustadz also criticized groups that want to dissolve the FPI and allow rampant immorality.”Who would want to disband the FPI? What a chilling effect on freedom?’



Habib served time after his vicious brand of fanaticism incited the shameful Monas Riot of 2008, and he’s not got any better since.

No decent Indonesian should be seen with him.  But the Ustad sees nothing amiss with doing so.


Most Indonesian readers know exactly which TV channel is giving this man a platform.

But too many local expats spend so much money on cable tv that they can’t be bothered tuning in to local channels, otherwise they wouldn’t be asking.

However, as it’s Idul Fitri tomorrow, and I wouldn’t want to be accused of lacking in the grace and compassion which Ramadan is meant to have bestown on us all, I again save them the trouble of searching.


Its Metro TV – owned by the head of the supposedly secular National Democrat Party, Surya Paleh! And they’re still letting Arifin rip. I saw him preaching away just an hour ago.