C’mon, ‘Metropolitan Progressives!’ Practise What You Preach!

Britain should take 50,000 more Syrian refugees…

So says the Liberal Democrat leader, Tim Farron, in The Guardian – where else? – and if he manages to get even 50 MPs ( which one hopes can be prevented, as outlined in our previous post today… .

Update for Brexit Tactical Voters! 

…when British votes are counted) that’s just a thousand each they should be asked to accommodate under their own roofs, instead of putting them up in publicly funded housing, paid for by honest working Brits, at a cost…



….by the LibDems’ own estimate, of over FOUR BILLION POUNDS!

But surely they will not be left to carry this burden alone?

The Guardian assures us that the pledge is also a clear sign that his party is refocusing its election efforts on Labour voters, particularly metropolitan progressives.


‘metropolitan progressive?’

Every one of those parasitical beings must have a house – and ‘metropolitan progressives’ usually have much plusher residences than people who have real jobs. Academics, social work directors, trades union bureaucrats and ‘community activists’ should be lining up to shoulder their globalisational responsibilities.

So why don’t the LibDems, so eager to appeal to the pampered metropolitan dregs for their votes, not first appeal to ‘metroprogs’ for offers to accommodate the intended alien imports?

Maybe because, as a rule, even metroprogs can read, and the offers might be slow in coming if they have read this week’s news…


Austria jails asylum seeker for war crimes in Syria

…or last year?


The trial begins in Bonn this week of a Syrian man who threw his three children from a first-floor window, allegedly because he disliked his wife’s desire to enjoy the same freedoms as German women. https://www.thelocal.de/20160919/syrian-hurls-kids-out-window-because-wife-wants-freedom

Or the year before?

There are plenty more examples of so-called ‘refugees’ – from Syria and elsewhere – who should NEVER have been allowed into civilised countries, They were not detained on arrival for serious vetting but allowed at once to prowl the streets!



It was reported many many months ago that One In Eight SyrianRefugees’ Are ISIS Rape-Gang Fans! …. and  clearly no adherent of shariah law has any place in civilised society…


Hasil gambar untuk women's rights sharia


…so rather than listen to Timmy’s siren song, why not send them to Saudi Arabia…



…where there are vast areas of empty space AND tons of money to construct housing galore!

Oh, and don’t let’s forget Tough Tim’s other plan to reinforce Amber’s Army with more ‘lone child refugees!’


One of Amber’s ‘children!’

Amber’s Army Re-Groups! Will Theresa Surrender Again? 

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